Jul 11, 2008 13:53

I go to pour my cereal this morning and what should fall out into my bowl but an earwig. Last week we had the gross and disturbing experience of finding about 60 of them inside our barbecue cover, and although I managed to squish about 15 of them with a hammer as they ran for their lives, many of them got away by hiding in between the patio tiles and apparently now some of them have made their way into the house.

Apparently earwigs don't lay eggs indoors, according to some random web page I found that may or may not have any scientific or academic credentials, but I'm holding on to that thin sliver of hope anyway, and assuming that this was just one of the stragglers that escaped my hammer earlier.

But omfg, gross.

I just went out and spent $98 on stainless steel containers with air-tight lids for the kitchen.
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