Apr 01, 2019 16:33
(I will try not to get too long since my kid's awake, so bear in mind that I take breaks throughout this entry to handle him. Also I am dealing with mild nausea.^_^; )
The hubs and I talk about our living situations between here and his hometown. Lately his views about living in China are getting a bit more... drastic? I can't put it to words, and I try not to discourage his opinions except for maybe silly ones he makes. xD He is disturbingly accurate about how behind the times the US has been in terms of homes, sales transactions, public transportation, government corruption (hrmmm) and customer service. If I didn't know any better and never lived in China for over 3 years, I probably would've tried siding with the US a bit despite not leaving outside my home state. And sometimes he can get really preachy and negative about the country fucking PAYING HIM 7 TIMES MORE THAN HIS ORIGINAL JOB lol. One thing he does enjoy about here is finding and maintaining his dream job as an architect in the states. He has admitted receiving subpar treatment in China from his superiors and experienced co-workers, from receiving crappy computer hardware to the lack of projects he gets due to said coworkers hoarding them for themselves. So when he was treated with professional kindness and respect from his employers and coworkers, that was probably his first serious culture shock. XD
I also noticed how behind and backwards the US can be since my return, and I hate sounding like some other worldly snob, but when the shoe fits. ~_~ Like the current president, increased racial tension, lack of racial history awareness backward views and actions taken upon gun control, climate change, vaccinations, and all sorts of shit. I worked at retail at some point and customers are fucking nightmares to deal with and the horrible ones should be the ones deported if Americans are itching for deportations. Or the crappy shoplifters. I understand food, fine, but jewelry, nikes, and expensive coats? Get the fuck outta here!
Also the explosively expensive rates to rent an apartment or buy our own home in our state. And the taxes for life part is always a bummer.
Another thing I noticed is that there aren't many interesting shops or places to visit in the city. They all closed out 15-20 years ago or they were replaced by local cafes, weird baristas and cell phone stores. It's really dull and boring and not very children and baby-friendly unless you have a car.
Then there are the people who shame parents and unruly children. Now I admittedly was one of those, but even then I would rationalize my reasons rather than just despising ALL parents with any sort of offspring. Especially nowadays as a mom. Jst lately there are more and more encouragement to shame parents and children, or having children at all. But the one that pisses me off the most is a basic need, breastfeeding, especially when you're in public and your baby is screaming. Even now in the US, people shriek in horror at the sight of a public breastfeeding, even telling the mother to cover up like she's doing deepthroat at the post office. What is wrong with these overly sensitive subhumans? You're not beingforced to watch, just turn your head. Don't have to be a whiny ass bitch about it. Even worse are the ones who say nothing, then cry and moan about their traumatizing experience on social media, the spineless fuckers. They also should get deported lmao.
We both wonder if things don't work out here, we can move out again, if we can afford to. Because the US seems to be in deep shit and going to have a much harder and longer time to dig themselves out of their rut. We will try to be positive of our own situation,but when too many odds are against us here, it is something to consider when our futures are at stake. Sounds GED obvious but when it really hits you, it is quite something.
Anyway, whatever, I got my own life and family to deal with, so fuck them fuckers.
Ugh I think I'm getting a cold; my throat feels uck.
I better put my kid down for a nap during my Kimi ni Todoke marathon. ^_^;