(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 11:15

So, the neighbour has decided to cut down these two beautiful trees that sit behind her house. I love those trees. What a travesty to see them shorn of their branches and then cut down, piece by piece. Now her yard will be completely shorn of any covering, open to the punishing sun in the summer and without beauty or grace. There is nothing sadder then seeing a healthy tree cut down in its prime.

Saw Jarhead on Saturday and it was everything I thought it would be and more. Deep and insightful and very, very, overwhelmingly pretty. Though, I have to say I found the scene where all the Marines were standing around a bonfire, shooting off their automatic weapons to be much more ... "fascinating" then the two santa hats scene, though that one wasn't anything to scoff at, believe you me.

Have also discovered the reason why the baylorsr sisters keep me around. I make a useful pack mule. *sly smile*

November's begun in full force, here in Michigan. The leaves fell from the trees almost overnight and while today is clear yesterday was cloud-covered and raining. Frosty morning should start anyday now. Hello cold, my old friend.

Had a terrifying moment yesterday when the Palm Pilot ran out of juice. I was sure that I had lost all of the addresses stored there and with the holidays coming that is not a good thing. Thankfully, upon finding the wall plug and rejuicing it, I discovered that they were all still there. Crisis averted, this time. *cue ominous music* *chuckle*

sorrow, perving, movies are my anti-drug

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