(no subject)

Nov 04, 2005 17:38

The Pup is giving me grief. He does not seem to understand that the ice cream in the bowl is mine and no I will not give it to him. Mine!

'Twas a lovely day today. The maple trees around the neighbourhood all decided that they would turn this lovely golden yellow shade over night. While walking it felt almost as if I were in Lothlorien. Autumn does amazing things for the imagination, no wonder Bilbo (and Frodo) always got antsy in the Fall.

I learned today that Michael Piller recently passed away. He was a god among Star Trek writers and the co-creator of DS9 (as well as complete creator of The Dead Zone tv series). I've always respected, admired and loved his unique talent and vision and they will all be terribly missed. Requiescat in pace.

No, Pup, I won't give you my ice cream!

So, the turn indicator on my car (the Hobbit) has been acting funny for ages and the Wrestler suddenly fixed it with the touch of a button, leading me to contemplate mutant powers, again. I can't quite decide what my mutant power would be. There are just too many possibilities. Plus there's always the difference between what one would like them to be and what they would actually be. I'm sure Scott Summers didn't want to suddenly have visious beams of light come shooting out of his eyes but shoot they did. I love the X-Men and they're hardly concealed metaphors about the adolescent experience. ;-)

Ha HA! The Pup has given up and gone to greener pastures. I am victorious, once again!

blather, x-men, sorrow, beauty of the rain, puply experiences

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