(no subject)

Sep 12, 2005 13:45

Ugh. What a strange weekend. Not in the 'a lot of stuff happened' sort of way but more in the 'emotional rollercoaster (I'm a big ol' manic-depressive)' sort of way. I really need to stop telling myself I suck, it's not terribly productive.

Was able to leave work on Friday to help with some Hurricane relief. Went over to the church and sorted donations and filled up food boxes for survivors moving into the area. It was good, hard work. Later that night there was much unloading of food from semis and loading of food onto semis but I had already left by then. I left that to the young men who had come in fresh after school/work and who hadn't been lugging around boxes of canned food all day.

However, had diet schedule thrown off for the day. Because I am easily swayed I talked myself into getting an ice cream sundae at this parlor that has been taunting me every day that I go to the LSAT prep course. I got a junior sundae that was still huger then huge. It was two scoops of ice cream in a cream puff, smothered in hot fudge. It turned out to be some kind of leaning tower of ice cream. Very yummy and completely un-finishable by your's truly.

Unfortunately, went back on the diet the very next day. Am thankfully not as generally hungry as I was before. Am possibly still living off of residual sugar. mmmmmmmmm

Rome was very good last night. It's all so ... Roman and wonderful. The characters are oodles of fun and while the pace can sometimes be a titch slow there's more then enough political and/or character goodness to make my brain happy.

Re-watched more Lost. Am now through 1.08 ('Confidence Man' [Sawyer ep.]). I actually fast-forwarded a lot through that one. It had some good stuff (Charlie & Claire) and some annoying stuff (Jack's reaction to Sawyer). It's fascinating how subtly the writers handle the episodic POVs. Characters are different when seen through which ever set of eyes the episode is filtered through. It's subtle, but it's there. Take, for instance, the difference in Jack characterization between 'White Rabbit' and 'The Moth'. In 'White Rabbit' he dithers and angsts, not sure of himself or what he is doing. In 'The Moth' we see Jack through Charlie's eyes so gone is the self-doubt and instead is this strong, hero type who only wants the best for those around him.

This subtle POV shift is most obviously and yet most delicately accomplished in the two Korean episodes. Most episode lists say that 1.06 ('House of the Rising Sun') is a Sun & Jin episode but I see it primarily as a Sun episode. We see all of the action through her eyes and feel all of our emotions in relation to how she is treated. Yet, knowing how Jin views the same events makes his character more sympathetic on second viewing. I simply cannot get over how rich all of these characters are.

And, yes, I still can't believe how much Kate has improved on second viewing. But, then again, she didn't annoy me so much till around mid-season, so we'll just have to wait and see if my newfound empathy lasts to the end.

Another LSAT prep test tonight. Oh joy, oh rapture.

Word Origin of the Day: Cartoon - The root work in Italian was carta, meaning "paper." In its original use, a "cartoon" was "any drawing made on paper." In French, this was carton before arriving in English as "cartoon." In the 1600s, the meaning had narrowed to refer to "a type of drawing - a sketch - done in preparation for a painting." During the 1800s, the modern meaning emerged from the magazine and newapaper industry.

rome, word origin of the day, desert island shenanigans, voluntary starvation, issues, katrina aid, law skool ownz me

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