(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 14:38

Haven't had all that much going on at work today. Had the chance to finish up the next bit of the Multiverse Adventures.

All standard disclaimers apply. And, hey, if I'm going to self insert at least I bring my friends with me.

Previous parts found here.


There are few universal certainties in the multiverse. You can skip from universe to universe and find the dimension without shrimp or dimension where you’re the ruler of Siam or quite a few dimensions where you were never even born at all because your great-great-great and so on grandparents never even met. However, no matter what dimension you happen to find yourself in it is a universal truth that libraries are always the same.

A less known but equally as important corollary, at least in this particular situation, is that no matter the dimension and notwithstanding the amount of emotional, physical and/or mental strain Megan will always be able to find the closest library with hardly any thought. Wherever she was, no matter what might be happening around her finding a library always felt a little bit like coming home.

The Hogwarts Library was magnificent. The ceiling was high and the shelves reached up to its lofty peaks. The shelves were arranged in circular patterns, creating a kind of maze that inevitably lead to the study tables situated in the center of the room. Ladders leaned against walls and shelves; study carrels dotted secluded corners of the room and lamps burned brightly in scattered alcoves. Madam Pince surveyed her domain from a large desk that stood on a slight platform near the main entrance of the immense room. She didn’t even seem to notice the rag-tag group of supposed fourth-years who warily peeked in. They had quickly and cautiously found a table that partially shielded them from any curious eyes.

Megan breathed in deeply, smelling the familiar scent of paper and dust and ink that meant security. She could feel the deep peace of the cavernous room sink into her bones; steadying her nerves and giving her the first respite she had had for what seemed like an eternity.

She had reacted without thinking in the Dining Hall. She had bolted from her seat and instinctively headed for the one place that screamed safety. She had grabbed Chris and Danielle in her madcap dash, trusting that Heather and Erin would follow after them. Now here they all were, listening to Chris explain how he and his wife had awakened in the Hufflepuff Common Room, bewildered and hungover.

“And none of the students noticed or said anything?” Megan asked. Her mind was feverishly trying to make sense of everything; to catch clues or patterns that might help explain what was going on.

“Not a thing.” Chris replied. He and Danielle were leaning against each other, his arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders.

The library was still as they sat there, processing this new information and trying to make some sort of sense out of the chaos they were experiencing.

“When Dumbledore spoke with me last night it sounded like he had as little idea of what’s going on here as we do.” Megan said, breaking the silence.

“That’s not very comforting.” Erin replied drily.

“Hold it.” Heather interjected. “You talked with Dumbledore? And when were you planning on bringing up that fact? Some of us might think that’s kind of relevant.”

Megan shrugged uncomfortably. “I meant to say something but it was just so surreal, you know? He appeared out of nowhere and mind-reamed me but good. Then he’s all smiles and cryptic non-advice and I’m nearly as confused as I was before. It’s not like he had any answers.” She glanced quickly at Chris and Danielle who were both uncharacteristically quiet and withdrawn. “He did mention that there were five new students which should have clued me in about all of this but, um, yeah.”

“That’s not the only strange thing that happened last night.” Erin said quietly. “When I was wandering around trying to find the Ravenclaw Common Room the Grey Lady found me.” She waved her hand absently. “You know, the ghostly patron of House Ravenclaw. Anyway, as she talked to me it was like I knew her, not just as a character in a book but as if we had had lots of conversations in the past.” Erin looked up and said with quiet, determined vehemence. “I knew her and she knew me. How is that possible?”

“I don’t know.” Megan said, breathless. “It’s just as strange as me instinctively finding the Slytherin Common Room. Dumbledore had to tell me where I was and which password to use but I did the finding all by myself.”

“I’m getting a headache.” Heather said, laying her head down on the study table. “Why won’t any of this make sense?”

“We are in a big, magical library.” Danielle interjected, the first thing she had said since the very beginning of the conversation. “We should take advantage of it.”

“But where do we even start?” Heather asked without even raising her head.

Megan glanced at her watch. It now read, ‘So late that Snape is going to boil your bones and use the marrow in a potion.’ “I agree that we need to try and figure this all out but, you know, I’d rather not make any waves while we’re here. I say we head to class and come back here the first chance we get. We might get some more clues the more we interact with the people here.”

Chris and Danielle exchanged a glance, some sort of impenetrable couple communication flashing between them. “All righty, then.” Chris said, standing up and pulling Danielle up with him. “Let’s get on with it.”


Author's Note: Just so you know, the bulk of what I will write for the upcoming parts of the story will focus on group activities. If there is any special activity that the erstwhile members of this little adventure wish to indulge in please either let me know so that I can write a special 'deleted scene' sort of chapter or feel free to write it up yourself. The crazier the better.

multiverse, hp

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