(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 09:35

Have emerged from the depths of wallowing. It was a good and necessary step. There seems to be a pattern to the whole thing. First there is the stunned disbelief, then the crying. After that is the depression and spiral of self recrimination that leads to extra large amounts of sleep in an attempt to forestall the mental castigation. Last comes the chocolate consumption combined with the getting on of life.

I couldn't discuss Plan B yesterday as Plan B was dead to me at the time. Now I can discuss it with impunity. I will now be applying to law schools. I take the LSAT in October ($115 to register. WTF is up with that?!). I have very little idea on where I would like to go to school so if any of you have any favorite law schools or schools in your area that you would like to pimp, please feel free. I would kind of like to get out of Michigan, if at all possible.

My action figure habit is threatening to spiral out of control In the past day I have won two eBay auctions, one for a Sam Gamgee and the other for a season 1 Buffy. This is getting kind of ludicrous but OMG! I can't stop! Must have more action figures!

Have I mentioned lately that I have the greatest friends a girl could ask for? Because if I haven't then I really ought to. 'Cause ya'll really are the bee's knees.

oh the drama, action figures, law skool ownz me

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