(no subject)

May 27, 2005 10:18

Spent my birthday money yesterday evening buying this and this and this and some sheets I can't find pictures of and some DVDs. And a new pillow. We can't forget the luverly new fluffy pillow. I'm feeling all domestic and stuff. Shoot, I spent the rest of the evening cleaning and cutting up old, torn clothes and putting them in the scrap bag. Some day I hope to be able to make a quilt. Not that I've ever seriously quilted before but it seems the thing to do with all of those scraps.

YAY! Three day weekend! Mine will be spent in the charming company of the RHAR:EC. I will finally have the chance to meet the charming and lovely oselle. I imagine that this is going to be quite the weekend.

Before those festivities, however, I recently (as in yesterday) found out that my second cousin is getting married on Saturday so the Da and I will be trekking down to Dearborn to witness the nuptials. The funny thing is that we're such the familia non grata in the extended family that we never even received an invitation to the blessed event. My grandmother did call the Da this week to make sure we'd be there, though. ;-)

Why do spammers keep on thinking that I want Cialis? And why do they spam my work email account? That's just not on.

And, in reference to the song I've been listening to, "Marlene Dietrich is in Rheims? Well then I'm going to Rheims."


I've always been interested, in my amateur psychologist way, in how people categorize themselves. I've always thought that the favorite characters people have in whatever book/show/movie they avidly follow says much more about the person then the character/creator of their current obsession. When I was in the Buffy fandom I was seriously tempted to write a whole thesis on Xander fans vs. Spike fans and what attracted people to their characters of choice (this was at a time when there was quite a bit of animosity between the two groups). I never did get around to that but its that same desire for understanding that has lead me to reflect on Hogwarts Houses quite a bit lately, that and my recent readjustment of my own house placement of choice.

I used to think that I was a Ravenclaw. I have all of the earmarks of a good Ravenclaw, a love of learning and scholarship and an inquisitive, analytical mind. I wouldn't make a bad Ravenclaw but I've recently determined that a love of knowledge is not my defining characteristic and was certainly not what the Sorting Hat would have predominantly picked from my 11 year-old mind. I value loyalty above all other characteristics and was rather interested to realize that I am a Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuffs face quite a bit of prejudice in fandom at large. I remember talking to a friend of mine a while ago who said in a bitter fashion, "I would like to be a Gryffindor but I'm probably a Hufflepuff." as if that were a bad thing. This is a sentiment I see in a lot of places, as if the Hufflepuffs are these cheery, silly people who are lead around by members of the other houses and who will believe anything they hear. That's a nice stereotype but doesn't quite live up to further investigation. After all, we're shown quite plainly in Goblet of Fire a Hufflepuff who is a school favorite, an intelligent, popular student who would've won the Tri-Wizard tournament if Voldemort hadn't involved himself in the proceedings. Cedric Diggory, Hero and Hufflepuff.

I'm endlessly fascinated by what the Houses say about both the characters and the readers who identify with them. It's kinda like one of those Rohrsach ink blot tests, so many variations and so many illuminating possibilities. My mind just loves gnawing on things like this. =D

birthdays, blather, vanity, fangirls are love, hp, family

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