(no subject)

May 26, 2005 09:38

Does anyone else remember when new paperback books cost only 5 bucks? I still expect them cost that much and I am always shocked and dismayed to see that they don't.

Watched the House finale on Tuesday which was very, very good. I <3 my new soap opera. Have also realized why the character of House pings me so hard. He is a sarcastic and damaged, two characteristics that get me every.single.time. The fact that Dr. McCoy was my first tv crush has warped me for life. ;-)

Oh, what's that you say? You would like to know whether I watched the Lost finale last night?

It was sooooo good. I love how character focused this show is. The plot is there but the real drama doesn't come from the island's mysteries but rather how the character's react to them. I am invested in these characters and am perfectly happy to not have received many answers to the over-arching plot questions just so long as the drama continues to feel real. Sure, I would like some sort of explanation eventually but my enjoyment on the show is not contingent on that taking place. I'm in this for the long haul.

And what great character developments took place during last night's two hours. So much insight, so much depth, such a great look at who these people are and what makes them tick. I love them all so very, very much. So much has happened to these people in the past season and so much has yet to happen to them.

But, you know, as much as I love these people they're also dumbasses. Locke, Jack, Kate, Hurley and Arzt (poor Arzt!) go on this huge trek to find dynamite to blow open the hatch when hiding in it, the specious reason that Jack gave himself to excuse the journey, is utterly absurd! It was not a feasible tactical solution to the problem of the Others. Now they have this thing blown open that they don't know where it leads and it could, quite possibly, be a tunnel that will lead the Others or some as yet unheard of island danger straight to them. Morons.

I've seen people say that it isn't fair that Charlie got all the acclaim for coming back with the baby and Sayid got shafted. Frankly, I think Sayid wanted it that way. He seems to be the sort of person who is uncomfortable in the spotlight while Charlie thrives in it. Poor Charlie, he still has so many issues. Please don't screw everything up by starting in on the drugs again, honey. This is a demon you need to overcome, though. You need to be able to turn away from the drugs when there is infinite temptation before you, not just because you're desperate and running out. Of all the characters he's the one who has the greatest possibility for dramatic character development.

Wait, I lie. Claire and Shannon also have great potential, if only because they are the two female characters who have been comparatively unexplored during the season. We've seen Claire as primarily a mother figure when we know that there was more to her before the crash. I want to see more from her. I also want to see more about Shannon. She's growing and changing and I want that to be more of a focus as well. More can be done with them.

Especially in the upcoming Locke/Jack war. Tensions between the two alpha males are only going to grow. I can't wait.

Michael is going to track those Other bastards down and rescue his son. I know it. He's not going to lose him again. I love Michael. I love Michael and Jin's friendship. I love Jin. Heck, I even love Sawyer. There's a good guy in there just waiting to come out. Those Others are gonna pay big time.

And, you know, the best part about last night's episode was the fact that for as well as we think we know these people it was made abundantly clear that we don't know them at all. There are still layers to explore and examine. I can't wait.

BTW, for those who are interested in my nocturnal wellbeing, I received a Robin action figure as a birthday present last night. I now have someone there to keep the evil ones at bay. I'm sure we'll all sleep much easier with that knowledge. ;-)

Word Origin of the Day: Armistice - This term has a long history associated with warfare. It originated with the Romans, who combined forms of the Latin words arma, meaning "weapons," and solstitium, meaning "solstice." The latter's literal meaning is "stationary" or "stopped," which also explains it application in astronomy, referring to the two periods of the year during which the Sun's position on the horizon appears to be sationary and begins moving in the opposite direction (the midpoints of Summer and Winter).

ETA: In honor of the Lost season finale I offer to you a recording of Beyond the Sea in french.
Kevin Kline - La Mer

tv is my crack, blather, word origin of the day, desert island shenanigans, music is my soul, action figures

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