(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 09:44

There are so many reasons for why I drive half an hour to watch Lost every week. These are some of them.

1) When the show is boring and they won't stop harping on and on about Jack you can just sit around and snark or talk about other shiny things that happen to catch your attention (for instance, how Dom is attracted to shiny things and that this perfectly explains his relationship with Evangeline Lilly).

2) Food, be it mini-pizzas or mushroom sandwiches or chips and dip.

3)Crazy, attractive theories will most probably be batted around, like baylorsr's idea that Jack will die in the season finale because it would be so shocking. They've spent so much time investing in his character that one would think that they would never kill him off so just imagine the shock that would be caused if they actually did so. Also, this would be good for Charlie's personal development, he wouldn't have Jack to rely on to tell him what to do.

4)After the show is over and reactions have been processed there will inevitably be the watching of something fun and shiny. Lately it tends to involve Dr. Webster so the tape of his exploits on ER was popped in and some of the highlights were watched. This also happens to be the tape that contains Points so we were distracted a few times by things like the Walk of Hawt Vengeance or the Webgott scene of Retribution or drunk!Harry in the Eagle's Nest and wide-eyed!Nixon in the Goerings wine cellar.


6)DirtyWrongThoughts that amuse, such as Zeke and Nixon drunk and shirtless. I spent the whole rest of the night pondering that and other imaginings of the Red Hot Alien Resistance for the rest of the evening. Everyone needs a sooper sekrit alternate universe into which she/he can happily be inserted and have lots of guilt-free adventures.

Strangely enough, I never want to go home. So, if I happen to disappear one day you all will know where I am, but if the FBI comes asking please don't tell them where I'm at or they might come and take me away. You're all creative people, I'm sure you can think up lots of nifty places to which you can direct the poor, put-upon agents.

food glorious food, desert island shenanigans, rhar, krazehness, fangirls are love

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