(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 09:09

I'm just gonna get right down to the important part of this post.

We all saw it coming. We all knew Boone was going to bite the big one. It wasn't surprising. Actually, it was so predictable that I kind of thought it never would happen. After all, when has this show ever done what it said it was going to do? Rest in Peace, dear Boone. We hardly knew you.

For those who are interested, wisteria_ has a nice screencap tribute up for the Dearly Departed. So young, so pretty.

I was aggravated to find that it was another Jack episode. Everything on this island is all.about.Jack, the man who can do everything (see icon). He's so self-sacrificing that he gave Boone blood right from his very arm. Wow, what a guy. He married the girl he saved, except he almost didn't and the whole thing was just boring, boring, boring. Whatever Jack, you and your manpain do not interest me.

Speaking of blood transfusions, if I had been there I could have donated the blood and then Jack wouldn't have gone all hero-complex and possibly would have retained a little of his sanity. Not that it would have mattered much, as things turned out and we would have missed that great scene where Sun ripped the tube out of Jack's arm. Sun is the coolest, I'd go to her with my problems before I went to the Captain Hero Doctor Musician Donor.

Poor Shannon, she goes off to have a nice romantic evening with the really hawt Iraqi and comes back to find her brother dead. She's never going to want to have sex again. But not really cause this is Sayid and he's quite possibly the perfect man so I'm sure she'll find a way around her new issues. On a side note, isn't it cute how much taller Maggie Grace is then Naveen Andrews? Aaaaaaww, they're cute.

I'm greatly looking forward to Charlie growing up and learning how to deal in an emergency. Just look at the way he dealt with Ethan. The potential's there, he just has to learn how to trust himself enough to use it. The big hug he gave Jin after the birth was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen on my tv and proves once again that everyone, everwhere wants, no needs, to hug Dom.

Thanks goodness Claire finally had that freakin' baby. I'm sure his name is Damien and he will bring about the Apocalypse. This really should've been a Claire episode or a Boone episode, not another freakin' Jack episode.

Now who will be Robin to Locke's Batman? I'm thinking Walt. Charlie was being groomed for the role but he has a dark, uncontrollable side that Locke would not find useful. Walt is a good choice, or maybe Steve.

So, do you all think that this is the only death of the season or will there be another one in the finale?

I have blisters on my feet from wearing my new cute sandals yesterday. It's a price I'm willing to pay.

desert island shenanigans

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