(no subject)

Jul 19, 2011 16:04

We've been watching Falling Skies here at FGC. Of course we are, it's about the alien apocalypse. The only way it could be better is if it were about zombie nazi raptors. I spend most of the episode yelling at the characters because, really, the vast majority of them are too stupid to live. I yell at them for wasting supplies, for trusting the wrong people, for not organizing the hundreds of people in their group aggressively enough. The moral of that story being that if you were ever stuck with me during the apocalypse you'd probably hate my guts, but you'd also survive.

Though, seriously, it always annoys me when people on TV fall for plots that are as old as science fiction. Aliens have invaded your planet, dudes, be more paranoid!

Ahem, anyway, here's some more meme.

5 -If you have ever had a character try to push their way into a fic, whether your "muse" or not, what did you do about it?

I say, the more characters the merrier! This happens to me all of the time. In fact, in the past week I have had characters do this to me in two different stories. Sometimes it's OC's, sometimes it's fandom characters, but I love it every single time it happens. You see, my writing style is both very structured and highly chaotic. Before I sit down to put pen to paper I think out every nuance of the section I'm going to write, I know the characters better than myself and I know the beats they need to be taken through to get them to the end game. But, at the same time, I am constantly surprised by things that happen during the actual writing. Suddenly, characters that I hardly knew before become central to the plot or characters that weren't even in existence when I came up with the story idea start to threaten to take over the entire story.

Controlled chaos is one of the things I love best about writing. When things are really good it feels like I'm just transcribing a story that already exists, typing up words that these people really said. There's something so amazing aobut the creative process. I feel so privileged to be able to indulge in it.

comments at http://liptonrm.dreamwidth.org/30215.html.

tv is my crack, apocalypse, memes, storytellers 'r us

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