
Jun 11, 2004 14:25

Just because everyone else around here is doing it...

1. Your LiveJournal user name & what it means:
liptonrm and the meaning behind it is kind of embarrassing now. I made it up right after I got back from Texas and the 'lipton' part comes from a not very creative nickname I occasionally had down there. The 'rm' part can either stand for my initials or 'return missionary'. (Like I said, embarrassing;-).

2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your LiveJournal represent who you actually are?
7-8, I suppose. I'm constantly bouncing back and forth between my real life and my fannish life here in the lj. I try to keep everyone happy.

3. How much about your life do you post to LJ?
Some, the important stuff (movies, fics, graduations;-). And yes, my life really is this boring.

4. Is there anything you refuse to post about?
Ummm, anything intensely personal. I try not to dwell on my mood swings and I don't like to post things that may upset other people who I know might actually read it.

5. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?

Oh, dude, I don't know. I'd say a 5 because some of the stuff I write is only interesting to people i know in RL and other stuff is only interesting to the fandom people.

6. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you?

Partially, even though I'm pretty sure hlgraban mostly joined more to keep in contact with our Ludington friends I like to think that my having an lj had something to do with it;-).

7. What proportion of your posts are friends only?

None. I have a RL friend who doesn't lj who I would definitely want to see any of the personal stuff I would post about.

8. What is your favorite interest on LJ?

Keeping up with distant friends, fanfic, fannish meanderings, movie/entertainment news, hobbits ...

9. How often do you post in communities, and did you ever start your own?

Rarely. I'm a lurker, not a poster;-).

10. How often do you respond to/comment on other people's journals?

Not as often as I should for all the free time I have. I try to at least respond to the fic I like, even though I'm not always very proficient at doing so.

11. Do you prefer to write in your journal or read other journals?

Read others, mostly. Posting in my own means actual thinking.

12. Have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed or got into an argument/flame war on LJ (or did it to someone else)?

No, thankfully.

13. Have you ever banned someone from your journal?


14. Who are your three favorite LJ friend(s) and why?

Oh please, like I could ever choose between all of my friends. It'd be like asking my parents if they had a favorite child.

15. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you?

Ummmm... I have no idea.

16. Why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list?

To get me to actually spontaneously add a 'friend' is quite a process. If I've met them somehow outside of lj first (if I know them in RL, for example, or if I had read, commented on and loved their fic before they came to lj) or if I've lurked for a while in their journal and then finally decided to make it easier for myself by just friending him/her/them.

17. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?

It depends, when people ask to friend me (as a few, amazingly enough have) I've found that I automatically end up friending them back. It'll take me a little longer with people who I just randomly show up, mostly because I usually don't even notice the new name for a couple weeks (this process is sped up if the person starts posting in my journal for whatever reason).

18. What is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list?

If he/she/it is rude to me or people I know.

19. Is your "significant other" on LJ?

That'd be nice (because it would mean I had one;-).

20. Have you ever wanted to meet someone on LJ?

That would be marvelous! I would love to meet all of my only lj friends, even though I'm sure I would totally fangirl on a large majority of them;-).


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