I've begun work on a bit of a plot bunny that's been chewing at me for a while. I've just finished the first bit and thought I'd share it out. Let me know what you think and any advice or constructive crticism you could give would be most appreciated.
The fog swirled grey and heavy amongst the trees that surrounded Woody End, obscuring the familiar, well-ordered fields that lay beyond. Sam stood alone, cold and damp in the early morning gloom, not able to tell if he was truly awake or if he still lay dreaming in the elvish bower. A water bottle lay forgotten on the ground by his feet as he stared blindly into the surrounding whorls and patterns. He couldn’t forget the events of the past evening, his mind still full of black shapes and elvish light. He was still caught by how the elves had honored his master, as well they should, and by the overwhelming beauty of their speech. Every word had been like poetry and Sam hadn’t wanted to sleep because of the wonder of it all. He could still hear in his mind the conversation between his master and that elf-lord, Gildor.
Take those as are willing.
‘And are you truly willing, Samwise Gamgee?’ Was his following thought. It was as if Gildor were speaking right there, in his mind. Suddenly he could feel the cold and terror of the night before, the horror that came with that black thing, whatever it was, and only vanished with the coming of the elves. The fog before him seemed to thin and Sam began to catch glimpses of a hard, dark, barren landscape where no green things could ever dwell. ‘Will you follow him down this dark road?’
A cold moment of doubt stole over him at the sight of that desolate land. He felt very small and lost and did not know what help he could be in such a place. How could someone like him be of any use? Why would his master ever need him with elves and the like to help and guide him? What good could a hobbit like him do when fighting with evil rings and dark creatures?
“I’ll do what I have to.” Came his defiant reply as a determination he had never known he possessed seemed to strengthen his back and give voice to his thoughts. “After all, I couldn’t very well leave him.”
Sam stooped and picked up the forgotten water bottle. He had work to do and he’d best be about doing it.