(no subject)

Nov 25, 2008 23:48

OMG! PUPPYCAM!!!!! I could watch those adorable little pups for days. They instantly make everything better.

Whyfor is lj not sending comment notifications? Don't you love us anymore lj? *pouts*

You know what I really want? More stories with girls in them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's all my fault for being in a fandom about a male-dominated show. But girls are awesome! And interesting! *sighs* It's just a shame fandom doesn't really exist to fulfill my every desire. ;-)

Have been watching quite a bit of PBS and am reminded of the age-old PBS dilemma. I love how informational and informative it is, but at the same time it makes me despair for the future of the world. For all the good things that happen there about a billion more bad things to drown the good stuff out.

For example: I watched a program on the FermiLab tonight. While my higher math skills are dubious I love learning about particle physics and quantum physics and all sorts of things like that. So that was all fun. However, when the program was filmed it was right around the time when the Bush Administration was slashing science funding and the Kansas School Board redefined science to include "supernatural origins" as well as natural. OMG how can people be so dumb?!!!!! The quest for knowledge is good for everyone and is essential for the continuation of society and civilization! You wanna know what happens when we stop paying attention to science? The Dark Ages is what happens.

Bah. Of course, if policy-makers actually learned from history like they said they do we wouldn't have recently reenacted the Stock Market Crash of 1929. And I'd say that everything will be better come January 20, but the fact is that there is still a sizeable population of procreating Americans who think that larning is bad and "elitist" and it should be avoided at all cost.

In happier news, Amazon had a big dvd sale over the weekend (which may still be going on? I don't know) which coincided with my Christmas shopping. This prompted me to buy a bunch of holiday movies that I adore, including two versions of A Christmas Carol (the one with Alistair Sim and the one with Patrick Stewart) and the original Miracle on 34th Street. I already have It's a Wonderful Life even though the last time I watched it I found it to be ridiculously depressing.

I just need to get The Muppet Christmas Carol and Scrooged and my "Christmas Carol" collection will be complete. Why yes, I am rather fond of that story. How'd you guess?

Remember, if you want a holiday card (and you know you do) go put your name in the snazzy holiday poll! Because nothing says "December Holidays" like mail. =D

smrt iz sexy, holiday fever, let me show you them

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