I don't have very much to add to the SPN 4x10 post-episode discussion. My brain is still kind of trying to take it all in, ya know?
One of the things I'm finding most entertaining is the different reactions the episode is getting across the fandom board. You have people who loved it and people who didn't and people who couldn't stand the mythological plot, not to mention the people who have loved the angels since they were introduced contrasted by the people who have hated the angels since they've been introduced.
And I'm just amused. Yeah, I think some people are taking Show way too seriously. For as much as I love Show (and I do, you all know that I do) it's only ever been what it is. It's never tried to be some weighty depiction of profundity. It's, frankly, rather ridiculous, and I love it for that. So, yes, Dean had sex with an angel in the backseat of the Impala and it was flowery, 'soulfully staring into each other's eyes' sex followed up by a Titanic hand slap on the foggy window which is cheesetastic and ridiulous and they totally knew what they were doing.
Which isn't to say that I think that people should stop criticizing and critiquing or expecting Show to do better. But we also have to accept Show for what it is. So there's an angel and her grace came down in Kentucky and now they have to find it. All righty, then. At least Scully didn't get infected with an alien virus from a bee sting and get sent to Antarctica and Mulder followed her and they both got there in under 24 hrs and they survived even though they were left to die somewhere in the middle of the frozen continent.
Ha, sorry, the
baylorsrs and I rewatched the first X-Files movie last night. Talk about suspending disbelief and handwaving. Jeez oh pete. Show might be absurd, but at least it's staying true to the logic of its own mythology, something that far "better" shows have completely failed to do.
Okay, another thing about 4x10, what was up with Sam's plan? I can buy that Sam had it all set up to bring the demons and the angels together and let the polar opposites annhilate each other, but I also think that Dean was way too broken up about betraying Anna for that to have been a part of the plan. I don't know, I guess it could be read both ways cause maybe Dean was just having a hard time with even pseudo-betrayal because of everything he's carrying from Hell. I'll have to work out what my own personal canon is.
Which, btw, is a canon that includes Sam having the ability to do more than exorcise demons from meatsuits. That's purposefully been left vague and until proven otherwise I'm on the side of Sam having access to all sorts of nifty devilbaby powers. Because, according to Ava and Jake, once you flip that switch the learning curve is super-fast.
FYI: I am snickering into my fist over the fact that some people thought that Jensen and Julie McNiven didn't have any chemistry. Yeah, they didn't have any chemistry at all. *rolls eyes and sporfles*
Oh, fandom, I love you best of all. =D
Whew, that got a little wordy. And I'm probably still not done talking about it. In the interest of talking about something else, though not really, I'm going to do the meme that
hiyacynth tagged me to do.
Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
In no particular order we have:
A Family BusinessI know, I know, this won't surprise anyone who's read this lj in the past few months. I love this story for all sorts of reasons, not least because it was the hardest, most complex thing I've ever successfully attempted and completed. I think when you spend so long working on something it lodges itself in your heart and stays there for awhile. It also says a lot of what continues to fascinate me about SPN, such as family and sibling relationships and dynamics and the different ways people deal with grief, loss, and tragedy. Likewise, it gave me a chance to look at how ordinary people are effected by both the supernatural and the Winchesters. Finally, I got to write about Michigan, my fantastic and frustrating home that I love.
Down a Parallel RoadHa! Like you didn't know I was going to put this one on my list o' favorites. It has Bobby! With a kid! Who's a girl! I love this AU unabashedly and nearly without shame. So there.
And I think Kripke&Co must love it too because I was finally Kripked on Thursday night. Dean and some chick having a heart to heart on a car in Bobby's salvage yard? Yeap, I totally
wrote that. And it feels so good.
More Than Just a Pretty FaceI'm totally on a Grrl Power roll with my fic-writing, aren't I? *snorts* I do think chicks are pretty awesome. There are quite a few things I love about this story in particular: Jo is acknowledged as the hero of her own story, she gets to hunt on her own terms and with the people of her choosing, Kat turns up and is also kickass and awesome, the hunt takes place in my college dorm which I really did think was on a hellmouth. It's also my ode to college, a look at growing up and growing into the person you were always becoming and finding your own path and your own individuality.
Roadtrippin' With My BrotherOne of the things I love about guys are when they're goofy and ridiculous and just utter boys and this story was written in honor of all of that. It was also written for my own brothers. As many of you know, the one thing that kept me watching SPN before I was completely reeled in, hook, line, and sinker, by 'Devil's Trap,' was that I had never seen such an accurate depiction of a brother relationship on television, ever. Sam&Dean actually act like real brothers do and I love them for it. They act like my brothers, except with fewer tickle fights (yes, I've seen my adult brothers have a tickle fight, OMG) and more codependency and selling their souls and stuff like that.
Plus, the story has serpent guts, a grenade, and Sam stripping down to his skivvies and jumping into the Lake Michigan surf. There's nothing that's not awesome about all of that.
Burn My Sins AwayAs many of you know, I'm not a ginormous Harry Potter fan, but something in me needed to write this story and it needed to be told from Ron Weasley's point of view. There's a lot of me in this story, a lot of what I went through after I got home from my mission and finding my place in the world. It made me a better writer and helped me deal with everything I'd been through. So, yeah, it holds a special place in my heart and always will.
I am teh suck at tagging people for memes, so consider this your free for all to take the plunge and pick your own Five Favorites. Cause what else is lj for if not to talk about ourselves? =D