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Oct 27, 2008 11:38

Dude, lj's, err, excuse me, undeadjournal's banner is freaking awesome. It's stuff like this that makes me love Halloween, even if I'm not a big scary movie buff (I blame my parents for that one, we weren't allowed to watch scary things as kids and by the time I was introduced to such classics as Halloween and Children of the Corn my brain had already glommed onto other things to be scared of). Imma eat your brainzzzzz!!!

Actually, I've always been a fan of Halloween. First it was the candy and costumes and now it's the whole feel of the holiday. It's one of the few holidays where the pagan roots still shine through and highlight the hidden depths of the most mundane things. There's something about the mystery and spirit of the holiday that sets me all a'tizzy.

Not surprisingly, one of my favorite Halloweens was during my sophomore year of college. We closed ourself off in a salt-lined dorm room, lit some candles, and had a tarot card reading. It hit all of the right buttons.

I have rather bi-polar feelings as regards the supernatural (and, no, for once I'm not talking about the television show). I both believe that many things are real (like ghosts) but am also quite happy to keep my distance from it. I don't play with Ouija boards because I think tools like that can open doorways that should stay closed. I don't participate in seances for the same reason. There's some scary stuff out there and I'd rather not confront it, thank you very much.

But the fantasist in me gets a big kick out of all of the glamour that surrounds it all. There's something appealing about mystery and secrecy, about feeling like a small piece of a larger world. I guess you could say it's indicative of the inner war between my rational and romantic sides, or some such.

I'm rarely tempted, though, to take my fascination too far. If living in the haunted apartment in Texas taught me anything it's that I do have a certain sensitivity that other people may not have. The evil I felt in that apartment was utterly real to me even though not one of my companions ever sensed anything like it. It also taught me that I don't want to have anything to do with things like that if I can help it. I'd much prefer my little life to remain as mundane as possible, plz and thank you.

Of course, then the baylorsrs had to go and move into a haunted house. Thankfully that ghost is pretty unobtrusive, the most it does is a little knocking and a ring of the doorbell from time to time. I think it might eventually move on of its own volition after a little while. Though sometimes I think there might be more than one ghost in that house, but that's probably just be my imagination getting the better of me ...

So, there you have it; I believe and don't want to believe all at the same time. And if I ever actually saw anything with my own two eyes I'd probably run screaming like the little girl I am.

You know what? If I had my way Halloween and Thanksgiving would be fused together. The American Thanksgiving is ridiculous. It's supposed to be a harvest festival but we celebrate it at the end of November which is definitely not harvest season. I'd make it more like the Days of the Dead in Mexico with a day or so of rememberance and reflection on those who have gone on, a night of revelry, and a final day of thanksgiving for all we still have and the promise of the coming year. I'd schedule it right at the end of October and possibly incorporate the New Year/Old Year element of Celtic Samhain as well. But maybe not since I like the way the midwinter week of festivities from Christmas to New Year's comes together.

And there you have it, my .05 on all sorts of things. Having opinions is fun.

afraid of the dark, halloween

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