(no subject)

Jul 14, 2007 21:20

I am feeling ridiculously spammy today. I blame living alone and feeling healthy, it gives me way too much time to sit around and bother you people.

First off, I finally re-started my Buffy season two rewatch. It sure has taken me long enough.

Written by Marti Noxon - Directed by Michael Lange

Even if I didn't know it was coming, you can kinda see the explosion of the Buffy/Angel relationship coming a mile away. It's so easy to forget that Buffy's still a teenager. She's so mature and responsible when it comes to being the Slayer that you almost don't expect her romantic immaturity.

I'll never understand the people who get upset with Buffy over the whole 'not being able to kill Angel' thing, but I'm getting ahead of myself. We'll come back to that topic.

I've never been a big Buffy/Angel shipper, it's all a bit too schmoopy for my tastes, but he does make her very happy (and vice versa, unfortunately for his soul).

I'm sorry, the whole, 'we have to get this piece of the Judge out of the country via ship' is the stupidest idea ever. Yes, I know the Judge is impervious to any weapon "forged by man" but can't they just burn the sucker? If they did a little salt 'n burn they'd never have to worry about any reassembling.

I'm just saying. People don't burn things nearly enough on this show, I've always said that. You can't ever be sure something is dead until it's decapitated and the whole thing is burnt to ash.

I will always love Oz's reaction to finding out about vampires and everything. It really does explain a lot. =D

They have to run from the vampires in the rain! And then Buffy's all cold and needs to change clothes at Angel's apartment! It's all romance novel cliche and it works so perfectly for their relationship. And I remember the sex being a lot racier then it really is. Huh, TVs changed a lot in the past decade.

Poor, poor Buffy (and I say that unsarcastically).

Written by Joss Whedon - Directed by Joss Whedon

Poor Jenny Calender. She really had no idea what might happen and what was really going on. Hell, she didn't even know the curse could be broken till Uncle Creepy Guy on Every Show Ever showed up and told her. But, like they say in the law, ignorance is no defence. And she owns it all. Good for her.

Sometimes I wish I could be watching all of this with fresh eyes. Was I really shocked over Angel's transformation the first time around? I really can't remember how I reacted. grrrrr

Oh boy, Willow sees Xander and Cordelia making out in the stacks. How could they do such things around the books? *snerk* Poor kid. It is disconcerting to see your best friend/crush/brother figure acting in a way that contradicts everything you thought you knew about him.

Moral of the episode? Adolescence sucks. Thank goodness I'm well past it.

And then everyone is so exceptionally awesome when evil!Angel shows up.

Poor nerdy vampire whose name I can't remember off the top of my head (Franklin? Nelson?). Your love of books gets you zapped by the Judge/Alien Bounty Hunter. And isn't it interesting that Spike and Dru probably would've been fried if they hadn't been the ones to reanimate him/her/it. Fascinating.

Xander and the rocket launcher! Oz has a van! I love that Oz won't make out with Willow because he knows its just to get back at Xander. I love Oz. He's so chill.

There's a moment I love here where Xander is showing Buffy the rocket launcher and is all, "Don't I know how to get you the best birthday gifts?" and she asks him how to use it. They make such a great team. I love their camaraderie. And then there's the little moment where he hands her the rocket launcer at the mall. It's no wonder I read all that Buffy/Xander fic back in the day. They have the kind of dynamic that makes me really happy.

Hee, the Judge looks so confused right before he dies. Sucks to be stuck in the middle ages.

Aaah, now it's time to talk about Buffy not killing Angel. Let's not forget, people, she just turned seventeen and the bad guy is wearing the face of the man she loves. True, for all intents and purposes he killed the man she loves but, still, as long as he's around there's a slim hope that her Angel might come back. Of course she can't kill him. If the world were fair she never would have been put in this situation in the first place. It sucks and the fact that she has a hard time with this makes her even more heroic, not less. I love Buffy, I think she's amazing. Buffy Summers, you're my hero.

Oooo, nice touch with the fire alarm and the water soaking Buffy and Angel as they fight. Nice call back to the last episode. That was a very well done directorial touch. Good job, Joss.

Written by Rob Des Hotel & Dean Batali - Directed by Bruce Seth Green

It's inevitable that I make SPN comparisons while watching this episode. Both shows used the werewolf myth to make different thematic points. It's not about which is better or worse but the comparisons are inevitable.

Larry! I love the Larry subplot! And how Xander unwittingly convinces him to come out of the closet. That's the good stuff right there.

Des Hotel & Batali have some plotting issues here. Maybe. I don't know. It just felt like the big 'Oz is the werewolf' reveal happened at the wrong time. But that's me being overly-picky, I think.

The scene where Buffy and Xander go to the funeral home to investigate Teresa's death is wonderful. What with the vampire discovery and the heart to heart and the message from Angel. Superbly done by everyone involved.

Oz is the chillest werewolf ever. His phone call to his aunt is histerical in its mundanity. And trying to figure out how to chain himself to the table! Hee. He only starts getting worked up when Willow shows up because he knows Bad Things could happen (plus he already thinks he killed Teresa, poor kid).

In my post-Supernatural world the Kane/Cain pseduo-hunter character is interesting. He's a misogynistic jackass who doesn't hunt werewolves because they're dangerous but because he can make money from their pelts in Sri Lanka or somewhere. I imagine that there are hunters like that out there in the Supernatural world, thank goodness those aren't the ones we root for. But even if we're not supposed to like him (and we don't) he does have a point about werewolves in general. They are killers and they are dangerous. It's just that they happen to be innocent people for the rest of the month as Giles rightfully points out. Oh the conundrum.

Wow, that werewolf make-up is really bad. Wow.

Buffy uses the werewolf myth as a metaphor for adolescence and humanity, what with the changing and the hidden drives and how even the coolest, nicest person can have dark places inside of him/her. For as much as we would want to kill some of the obnoxious teenagers with whom we interact we can't because there are good people underneath. Supernatural was using the metaphor in a different way. In that storyline it was about life and the lack of choice. Horrible things happen and the best we can do is move on and try to adapt to the way the world has changed (as illustrated by the difference between the manner of infection; Oz was innocently bit by his nephew, Madison was mugged/raped by someone who turned out to be her neighbor). Sometimes we don't have any control whatsoever over our own destinies. And also that there are dark things inside of us that we have to excise or else we could be a danger to ourselves and others. It's no wonder, then, that Buffy werewolves could be contained when Supernatural werewolves couldn't. Different metaphors, different endings.

That isn't as well explained as I would like so feel free to comment with your own .02

The Willow/Oz kiss at the end will never stop being adorable. They're so cute together.

Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

Written by Marti Noxon - Directed by James A. Contner

This episode is just ... This Episode! Cordelia wants her status back and Xander wants revenge for getting dumped on Valentine's Day and everyone else gets caught in the crossfire.

Everyone's reactions are golden. Giles is at first perturbed but focused on fixing the problem and then quickly moves on to frustrated and fed up when everything goes to hell (his slayer is turned into a rat). Oz punches Xander in the face all because Willow was crying on the phone last night. Xander is embarrassed and even though he was the dumbass who had the bad idea to cast the spell in the first place once he really is a good guy underneath.

And Cordelia! If you didn't love her before now you have to love her by the end of the episode. The way she tells off her groupies in the end is perfect.

And Buffy was turned into a rat!

And the look on Angel's face when Drusilla punches him!

This marks the official return of Amy. She's the character who never quite goes away. They do a really good job of relating back to her first episode without a lot of clunky exposition what with Oz noticing the cheer trophy's eyes following him and Amy spelling the teacher over the paper. And you know it's good because you all know how much it galls me to say nice things about Marti Noxon.

The people of Sunnydale are really too stupid to live. I mean, I know people are stupid but people in Sunnydale take denial to whole new levels of obliviousness. If I were Buffy fighting every night to save their lives it would kind of piss me off.

Only 6 more eps to go!

A couple days ago hiyacynth and I were discussing ComicCon and how we had no money to fly out to San Diego to attend. We eventually convinced ourselves that we'd be too embarrassed anyway so it was probably a good idea that we couldn't go and make fools of ourselves. And we probably wouldn't like it anyway. Then, today I somehow found her convincing me to go to some Buffy/Supernatural con in Chicago in November. What was I thinking? My fannish life and my real life can't collide like that! I'll turn beet-red and make a fool of myself in front of Jared, I KNOW I WILL! *deep breaths* It's okay, it will all be okay. You're going to be a lawyer. You can do this. At least we're doing this together. *deep breaths*

So you know that scene in OotP (the movie) where Harry sees Sirius and Remus framed in the kitchen doorway and they have their arms around each other? I am fairly confident that it's proof that Oldman and Thewlis have reached the same conclusion as the majority of fandom re: Remus/Sirius.

Speaking of, did Remus actually say anything during the entire movie? I'm not entirely sure he did. That's unfortunate.

I just spent time staring at the spn_remix community before deciding I have enough to write and I can't let myself get distracted by challenges. I can't even gather up the gumption to finish stories I've been thinking about for months, I certainly shouldn't be making commitments to anything else.

Thanks to baylorsr I've been thinking about John Winchester as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He'd be a terror. And he might possibly be Harry's favorite DADA prof ever.

btvs, ep reactions, hp, fandom

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