(no subject)

Jul 14, 2007 15:44

You know the only bad thing about the approaching Potterdammerung? That everybody is watching the new movie or preparing for the new book (or, in my case, popping some corn and bunkering down to watch the wank explosion. *scrubs hands in anticipation*) and no one is posting fic.

I want what I want when I want it. Come on guys, indulge my irrational demands.

Yes, yes, I know, my pathetic selfishness will do nothing to sway the variegated currents of fandom. Whatever. ;-)

Had this conversation yesterday:
me: So, I'm in the middle of writing this story and it was only supposed to be Sam keeping Sandy's business card but now it's turned into this thing and I'm almost to the point where Sam is going to have to tell Dean to go away that he can't keep sacrificing his future to hunt things and OMG! Why do I keep doing these things? It's like in my XF crossover that suddenly ended with Sam having the 'Croatoan' vision. What is wrong with me?
BaylorSister: It's okay. You just can't help it. You love angst. I pretend things where I get to buy shiny new clothes, you pretend things where you have to kill off whole families. It's just who you are.
me: *hangs head* You're right. I'm so twisted.
BaylorSister: *pats*

Later that night we had to hold a tiki ritual of our own devising to restore luck because baylorsr killed a cricket in Fangirl Central after we were talking about some very important things. We're really crazy.

Oh, you wanna know what the very important things were? Sorry, can't say anything. Don't want to lay a jinx down after the cricket killing episode.

We also solved all of network TVs problems. It really is a shame that we're not in charge of television.

I finally, after around 2 years of having a copy, picked up Half Blood Prince and started reading it. As a muggle it bothers me that the wizarding community is all arrogant about how they know things that the rest of the world doesn't. It reminds me of this Buffy/SPN crossover I once read that was pretty good (very good Jo characterization) until it showed how the Buffy people considered Hunters to be stupid amateurs who didn't know what they were doing. Attitudes like that are ... bothersome.

fangirls are love, fandom, authorial intentions

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