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May 09, 2007 21:28


Just watched the Jericho season finale and if there was ever a bigger homage to Band of Brothers on network tv I have not seen it. I mean, not only do they have Skip (who got to shoot a tank cannon and blow up a truck! \o/) but the title of the episode was 'Why We Fight' and the battle scenes were nearly plucked shot for shot from 'Carentan' and 'Bastogne' (complete with smoke/fog). I literally clapped my hands when Skeet told the guy from New Bern (who I call Lassie but I think his name is Constantino?) "Nuts" over the radio right before the final shoot out and the screen went to black. That was some Grade A crack right there.

There were also some Supernatural parallels what with Mayor Greene dying and his sons sucking it up and going on with the good fight. Except the Greene boys cry and hug and don't see the need for a funeral pyre.

There's also a little X-Files-type government conspiracy going on and, let's not forget, it all takes place after the nuclear apocalypse. This show sure can be a lot of crazy fun.

Now I'm watching a PBS documentary on the Spanish Inquisition. Also working very hard to get Friday's homework done because I know that tomorrow night I won't be good for anything. My show is going to kill me dead and I can't wait. I'm such a masochist.

tv is my crack, band of brothers

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