(no subject)

Jun 13, 2006 10:12

Blah, blah, blah I am so frakking bored. You cannot even begin to imagine the level of boredom which I have obtained. There isn't a word to describe the depth to which this boredom sinks. I think to myself, 'Self, if you're so bored why don't you, oh, I don't know, write something?' And the only reply I have to that is, 'OMG! I can't write anything because I don't have my notebook!' I am nothing if not neurotic and superstitious. It's like, did any of you ever read ... it's either Xenocide or Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card and there's this girl who's a genius but she can't really think straight unless she's tracking all of the wood grains and cracks on her floor? Yeah, my writing quirks are kind of like that, except not anywhere near that psychotically obsessive.

Speaking of writing, I think I should write an original fiction end of the world opus. I know I want to read more end of the world stories and mine might actually not fall apart under the weight of its own mythology the way The Stand did. Wow, I should start plotting this sucker out, that's a really good idea. Then, maybe if I finish this I'll finally have the courage/gumption to start writing the 'Siblings with PTSD American Road Trip' novel that's been poking around in the back of my mind for over a year now.

I will do all of this, of course, while I'm trying to make my way through law school. Shoot, I have a hard enough time writing fic while I'm working full-time, what the heck am I thinking? Aw, shoot, who cares, writing is the one thing that's not exactly easy for me but that I love doing anyway. This will require some serious plotting.

Well, that's good, at least I'm not bored anymore. *grins*

ETA: I've been thinking, lately, about how much I want to go to Pennsylvania. Random, I know. ;-) The last family vacation we had was to Gettysburg and it was one of the best family vacation we've ever had. I can't get the image of one of the old battlefields in the early morning sunlight out of my head. I would like to go back to So. Texas and see more of the Southwest but that's driven by curiousity and fond memories, not this strange compulsion that comes on me at the most bizarre times.

EATA: A coworker just sent me this link to a live-feed of a nest of baby bald eagles and my reaction was 'OMG! Stephen Jr.!' My coworker winz at everything.

authorial intentions

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