(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 08:53

So, I pull up to the 'Rents' house last night after an engaging evening down at FGC. It's after 11PM and I am very, very tired when I see some sort of large-ish black animal go racing across the front yard. As I pull up it jumps up onto the passenger side window only to become the Pup (I will deny any reports of girlish shrieking to my dying day, just so we're clear;-). I turn off the car and open the door and he comes around to jump on me and I am met with the foulest stench. Knowing that he must have rolled in something awful I tell him to get down and together we make our way into the house and down to the bathroom where I bathe him, but not before he jumped all over my bedsheets and got whatever he had rolled in on them.

Obviously the Mum and Da don't have the Pup radar that I have so they allow things like this to happen when I'm not around to corral him. And people wonder why he's coming with me when I move out.

So yes, that was quite an adventure, and no mistake. OMG!, you know what I just realized? Michael and Walt left Vincent alone on the Island! Poor Vincent! Now there's no one to take care of him! I mean, yeah, he seems to have been doing a pretty good job of taking care of himself but, you know what, that's it. I'm writing Vincent!Care fic because one of the Castaways has to adopt him. It's probably one of the extras. We've started rewatching season 1 as a summer past time and we all agree that one of the ways that Lost dropped the ball early on was not having enough random extra moments and if there's fic that makes up for this glaring deficiency I have yet to discover it. So, yeap, I'm writing Vincent!fic, once I've finished the Ron prequel of Angst and Doom and put the polishing touches on my Multiverse story. Of course all of these plans won't happen if I don't somehow generate brain power that isn't sucked down the whirling vortex that is my job.

Dangit, now my fingers are all sticky from the glue stick. Though glue on my fingers is a million times better then the taste of envelope glue. ptooie

Okay, mornings really aren't my time of day. Maybe I'll be more coherent by, I don't know 8PM, or something.

ETA: Since I have never officially stated it, the two bestest comics in the world are Dinosaur Comics and the_dean_show. They fill me with absolute glee.

desert island shenanigans, authorial intentions, puply experiences

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