(no subject)

May 16, 2006 13:52

Happy Birthday elendiari22, my sister and friend. Hope it's an absolutely wonderful day and the precursor to an even better year! You deserve the best of everything.

I forgot to mention yesterday when discussing NBC's new season that the show Heroes is about a bunch of ordinary people who get super powers. It was a 'might watch' before but now it's a 'OMG this show is going to be awesome!'

ABC announced its fall schedule today. There's actually not a lot that looks all that interesting (though Dancing With the Stars is going to be a lead-in for Lost *snort*). There is Day Break from Rob Bowman and starring Adam Baldwin and Traveler from David Nutter and starring Aaron Stanford, both are mid-season replacements. Salma Hayek is also producing a show about "an ordinary woman in the world of fashion" which sounds pretty boring but stars America Ferrara who I kind of loved in Real Women Have Curves. Eh, ABC does not astound. Traveler could be interesting but it also sounds like another 'boys on a mission' sort of show and I've already got Supernatural to fill that mental niche. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

Speaking of Supernatural, I watched the finale again last night and was, of course, killed ded all over again. One of the fun things about being in a new fandom is watching it evolve. It's fun to see all of the old patterns emerge, sides are taken and opinions are polarized and I get to sit on the sidelines and mock. =D Actually, to be fair, the SPN fandom is surprisingly mature and thoughtful, for the most part; a lot of the people I see are people who are old hats at this fandom thing so everything's a little less life and death.

I've seen the '15 favorite fandoms' meme floating around and it's had me thinking about what makes a show/movie/book ping me in such a way that I am inspired to relate to it in a fannish manner. A lot of it has to do with family. One of my biggest draws to material is the way in which it portrays family relationships, whether they be through blood, choice, or experience. Course, I'm not content with just family drama, if that were the case I'd be a big 7th Heaven fan, or something. Nope, it has to be a family in jeopardy, preferably in a genre-type situation. So a show based solely on the fact that a father and son have tension because the other son/brother has died is boring but throw in killer robots and a rag-tag fleet escaping universal destruction and I'm there. I guess I like drama just as long as shit gets blown up too. =D

And now

Disclaimer: Some of these are embarrassing now that I think back on them but that doesn't change the fact that I loved them dearly at one time. These are in no particular order and I won't ask you to pick my favorite character from each because sometimes I don't even know who that would be.

Battlestar Galactica
Lord of the Rings
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Chronicles of Narnia
Wizard of Oz
The X-Files
Star Wars
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Little House on the Prairie (book, definitely book. I've blocked the tv show out completely)
Band of Brothers
The West Wing
Anne of Green Gables
Wheel of Time
Dark is Rising

My memory gets awfully fuzzy the further back I go. For instance, I remember being about 5 or 6 and pretending to be Penny from Inspector Gadget but I don't remember the obvious addiction that must have gone along with that. There are also other fandoms, such as Harry Potter, that I've been known to play in but have never obsessed over.

In conclusion, the world needs more genre TV shows with female characters who drive the plot.

tv is my crack, birthdays, spn, fannish intellectual servitude

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