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Comments 13

elendiari22 February 16 2006, 06:19:27 UTC
I'll admit that I didn't catch the Oz connection right away, but the thread I was following over on cleolinda's journal jumped right on it. You think that Locke and Jack would have figured it out. Very interesting ep, indeed. When is the next one?


liptonrm February 17 2006, 02:24:55 UTC
Yeah, you think that at the very least Locke, who used to work in a toy store, would pick up on the Wizard of Oz clues but then, we never know what's going on in Locke's head anyway.

Yes, very, very interesting. And the next one isn't till 1 March. *pouts*


shirebound February 16 2006, 12:52:02 UTC
I was so exhausted last night, I slept right through Lost! Did the plot advance significantly in any way that I should know about? Thanks!

*still sleeeeepy*


liptonrm February 17 2006, 02:33:28 UTC
Arrgh, I just typed out a whole comprehensive reply and LJ ate it. *grumbles*

To summarize, not a whole lot happened, plot wise. I think they're starting to draw some very distinct emotional/psychological divides between the characters and I'll be interested to see who ends up where. They did almost let the numbers run down last night and when that happened some very creepy signs in red and black popped up on the timer. However, Locke punched the code in in just enough time to flip it back around to the normal timer numbers so we don't know what would've happened.

All in all, I can't wait to see what the finale will bring us.


shirebound February 17 2006, 02:36:53 UTC
Thanks! I'm not as addicted to the show as I was before, but I'm still very curious to see how it evolves.


hiyacynth February 16 2006, 13:19:34 UTC
Argh, haven't watched yet. Stupid work making me go out to dinner with authors :-( Still, I'm sort of gobsmacked they'd go with something so obvious.


liptonrm February 17 2006, 02:29:36 UTC
Aaaaww, poor Cyn. Stupid work making you do stupid things.

Yeah, the whole name thing is a bit fishy. It's either a big ol' lie or something a bit more insidious. But, really, how do they expect us to take Uncle Henry seriously as a threat?


auntiemeesh February 16 2006, 17:04:19 UTC
It is frustrating that they keep pulling the fat gag on Hurley, but I did like his standing up to Sawyer when he'd had enough. "I'm fat. Fat, fat, fat, fat, fat. But everyone likes *me*." And I was amazed that Sawyer actually stopped and gave him an apology.

I didn't catch all the Wizard of Oz references, that not having been one of my big influences growing up, but now that you've pointed them out, it does seem pretty obvious, lol. And did he say his wife's name was Emily, at some point, or am I just imagining things now?

Sayid's story was good. I thought it was really interesting, his comment about not feeling any guilt for having beaten Gale up being what tells him that Gale is an imposter, making me think back to when he tortured Sawyer and how much it tore him up when he did that.


liptonrm February 17 2006, 02:37:19 UTC
Yeah, I loved Hurley's comeback to Sawyer. Cause he might be fat but at least he's not a jackass.

It was funny, last night was the first time I've ever watched Lost around my family and both my father and I started cracking up when we heard the guy's name. I guess I know where my indoctrination came from. ;-) And he didn't say his wife's name was Emily (I don't remember him giving her a name) but he did say that her maiden name was Murphy.

Sayid is just, yeah, it was a great story. They really set him up to have the necessary experience to tell when someone was lying which makes me even more likely to trust his instincts.


bellatemple February 16 2006, 22:25:40 UTC
Unless, of course, he wasn't lying, and the whole show is just a spin off from the Oz series. . . .

Considering all the Neverland references when it comes to the Others, and Locke's fascination last season with what amounted to a big ole rabbit hole (the hatch). . . .

Well, my theory is that JJ is just having too much fun with the crazy children's lit these days.


liptonrm February 17 2006, 02:39:18 UTC
HA! That would be great! Now I need an Oz icon ...

You're probably right. I mean, heck we already know JJ's insane and loves throwing shit in (like Locke/Rousseau philosophical mumbo-jumbo) just to make the fans even more rabid.

I suppose only time will tell. =D


writerj February 17 2006, 11:33:13 UTC
Remember, if Ian Somerhalder shows up as Huck Finn, you heard it from me first.


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