I can't believe it. The stores are already stocking up on Valentine candy. Is there no end to the Nightmare of Consumerism?
Mormon potlucks are always fun with their fatty, cheesy casseroles and kids running around the gym. Mmmm, potluck casserole ...
And now, I bring you
2005 In Review
The Good:
*Fangirl Central
*Fandom in general
*The Wrestler's return from Chile
*Whole family in same place for Christmas
*Lost Wednesdays
*New ward, new opportunities
*Great movies like Narnia and Batman Begins
*The Vortex ownz me
The Not-So-Good:
*Great-aunt Pat passed away
*Preparing for the LSAT
*All sorts of world wide natural disasters (earthquakes, mudslides, etc.)
*Wars and rumours of wars
*Moving back into parents' house
*Quarter-life Crisis
I Am Grateful For...
*My family, first and always. They may drive me crazy and make me run screaming to Fangirl Central to hide but they are always there for me. I love them, they love me, it's a good thing.
*The aforementioned Fangirl Central. I don't know how I would have survived this year without the friendship of the Baylor Sisters. It's nice to have a place where your wildest, most perverted thoughts are not only understood, but encouraged.
*LiveJournal. I have a hard time, now, trying to remember my life before LJ. I've met so many wonderful people and had so many great experiences because of this wonderful, oftimes crazy but thankfully never boring community. Y'all are the greatest and it can't be said enough.
*Narnia. I can't help it. I love that movie. It's not quite Fellowship but it's so close as to make no difference. It's been just the balm that my heart has needed.
Predictions for 2006
*Begin Law School
*Find new place to live
*Zombie Apocalypse
In summation: It seems that this past year has rather balanced itself out. I had a few personal struggles and there were a few family scares but in general and especially in comparison to the crap year that so many other people had mine wasn't all that terrible. It'll never go up as one of the Best.Years.Evar but, then again, what year ever is?
I can only hope that the coming year will bring better times for everyone, myself included.