Nov 05, 2007 18:13
I'm so happy. It's crazy! Spencer and I are doing great. We have our little fights. and I have decided that he is not allowed to drink around me. I don't like how he acts and that's fine with him. We don't drink much anyways. So yeah. aaaand he has helped me QUIT SMOKING. yaaaaay! Ok...well...I'll be honest, I have one every once in a while when I'm with my girls or with Aaron. But I haven't bought a pack in weeks. :o) and I'm proud. and he now only smokes weed maybe only once a week, if not less. It's called compromise, it's a wonderful thing.
I still have major problems with certain friends. Problem is that I can't bring myself to really talk to her about it. I'm such a wuss. and I'm afraid it sounds sooo stupid and immature. Whatever. I'll keep it balled up inside for now. whatever.
aaaaand, of course....Terry and I are friends again. I know...everyone called it....and lots are mad. But really, I'm a big girl, I can make my own decisions. Honestly, I have no feelings for him. I am happy cus I feel like things are back to our OLD friendship, like back 2 years ago before we dated. and it's fun! I enjoy talking to him and he gives me advice. and I know that him and I are just not meant to be together, so I'm over it. and I have Spencer, and he's amazing and I would never in my right mind fuck up and try for Terry over Spencer. I'd be an IDIOT! haha. Cus we all know Terry is way to incompetent to have a real, trustworthy relationship. haha. I do think he's a bit jealous though that I'm finally dating someone and he can tell I'm happy and I don't hold back, I tell him about Spencer and I all the time. So, ya know, us girls like that. hahaha
All in all...greatness.