still feeling confused

Aug 28, 2013 17:40

I guess I will start on a positive note first.  I made enough money this pay to get my self above water financially.  By that I mean, nothing is behind and I am not in danger of anything being cut off.  The fridge is not full, but it is not empty and there is plenty of food in the cupboards and the freezer.  Luckily I work very close to home (across the street literally) so I am not currently worried about gas.  So there is that! Yay!  I am still anxious to move out of this expensive ass house, but I think I may be looking too soon.  Not finding anything that the owners are willing to hold for me until the end of September.  So I guess I look in a couple of weeks.  Even then not sure if I can come up with the money I will need to pay rent and deposit, plus moving expenses.  Now if I decide to move with LH I suppose he will contribute some money, but here is the confusing part.  I am not sure I want him to move with me.  I don't really want to get locked into another 1 year lease with him and then have an issue if I do decide to break up with him.  I could stay here but I cannot afford the rent on my own especially if I don't get full time hours at the current job.  Do you see my dilemma?  So I thought about trying one of those extended stay hotel places just on a temporary basis, but geez they are expensive.  Of course I would have no utility bills to pay, but I think the amount of money actually going out would be about the same.  SO I have decided to at least do the following.  Let my bedroom furniture go back to Aaron's rental.  That's about $170 some bucks I can save.  Sell almost everything I own.  I have a few nice things that may fetch a bit of cash.  Really downsize and put whatever I cannot part with into storage and maybe look at the possibility of an efficiency or something until I make a decision of what my next step will be. I am so tired of all of this.  I have even considered re instating my Ohio nursing license and going back home................My next pay will be a good pay also and I think I can get enough money together by the end of the month to get out of here.  Please pray for me, for peace of mind and for things to go in my favor in my job pursuits.  
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