Aug 21, 2013 18:57
As you may know I have been applying for just about every job out there. I finally broke down and attempted another dialysis job. I got an e mail asking for good time for a phone call and I got the call today at 3:15 from a recruiter. It went well and she passed me on to the facility admin at the clinic who also called me, although I missed that call. I tried calling her back but she had left for the day so I will try again tomorrow. I am really hoping to get this job. It is 4 10 hr shifts per week. Every other Saturday, Although I do enjoy the job I am at now, it is not even close to being at my level of competence. I think I will stay there and work a day or two per week, just because I like the place and the patients. Also because I need the extra cash. I am so tired of being broke. Things are also looking up on the housing front. I have been looking all over for a cheaper place to live, and staying in this area is not looking good due to the expense. I have found some really nice places online in a small place called Holiday that is about 30 minutes north of here. Closer to the grandkids as well. The only thing is if I get the job I mentioned it is in St Pete so I am looking at about a 45 minute commute. However the rent is about half of what I am currently paying so all in all I think it will be worth the drive. Who couldn't use and extra $5-600 a month in their pocket? Plus I will make about $5 more an hour if I get the new job. LH works in St Pete to and he is fine with the commute. Doesn't mind the drive at all. It has been nice just working across the street, I'm so spoiled.
I am hoping things go my way on both these issues. I need a full time job with benefits. Insurance is a definate need!! SO send good vibes if you will. I certainly appreciate it.
LH and I are doing pretty good these days. He has been sick this week with a cold. Doctor says it is a virus that take about 2 weeks to run it's course and all we can do is treat the symptoms. I am now starting to get a scratchy throat and a cough so I guess I caught it from him. He is so sweet to share everything with me.