Aug 09, 2005 15:57
I know that my second day of school just ended, but I'll post about my first day back because I couldn't get to the interweb before now. Anyway, my schedule isn't too bad. I had Trigonometry first period, which is kinda lame. Math, first thing in the morning! At least I got a free calculator for the year. The teacher is really nice, Mrs. Harding, we haven't started doing anything mathtastic yet though. Probably tomorrow.
Second period I have creative photo 1. The teacher, Mrs. Sharpe, is an old ex-hippie who is a little bit crazy and super optimistic-feeling concious. Everyhting is peace, goodwill, and understanding with her. We're gonna start doing photograms and shit in the dark room soon I guess. Fun stuff. And we had to make symbols that represented aspects of ourselves as introductions to the class. One of mine was a black cross, a heart, and a mic that said BLING. It symbolized that I am the goth that raps. And now everyone in that class will love me, because that makes me neat, lol.
I have A lunch right after that, which is more like brunch considering it is at 10:45 or whatever. I have Kevin in my lunch and Jamie, who is in my photo class, too. That's basically it though. Well, and a bunch of band kids. Halle doesn't hate me either, which was good to know.
Then I have band and we haven't played yet. I'm not complaining or anything... I forgot my instrument anyway, lol! Mr. Wright is still calling me the melohoe. I think it's just my name now. Oh well, lol.
Finally I have AP Envrinmental Science, and Jim Morrison is in my class. We have to sit in "alphabetic order" though, so he is on the complete other side of the room. Helen Chen sits in front of me. That means I've got AZN power two steps away. I'm gonna try not to take advantage of it though.
And then I get to got o the parking lot and drive myself and Kevin and his little sister and her friend home. The End.
Now I have band practice, lame.