I'm almost afraid to leave the computer on. The lightning just set off a car alarm. GOODNESS!! Anyway, band camo is officially over! Woohoo! I'll never have to play band camp again! Thank goodness for senior year... It was fun though. Being in Kevin's section is a nice change of pace. Not that the clarinets aren't fun or anything but, y'know how it goes. We all got dressed up Friday, and I took pictures, but I have not uploaded them yet. I'll do that tomorrow maybe.
And speaking of pictures, go look at the ones that Michael took of me awhile ago that he just now got around to putting up.
Michaeltr0n He also made me my new icons. ^_^ I love them, thank you! He does such a good job.
I was gonna go to Warped Tour today. I didn't though because it was sold out. Oh well. I've seen offsrping before, and now it's raining like crazy so, no biggie. I hope everyone else had fun though! I went to the store and bought some jeans, a skirt, and a steeringwheel cover for my car (which I'll show you pictures of soon also), and they had SPINNERS!! Made out of plastic and about $40. So, tomorrow I shall go back and get some, and then wash my car and take pictures, and get spray paint and make my shirt for the first day of school on Monday, and then Sew more patches onto my new backpack, and watch more Rescue Me Season One on DVD. <3 Dennis Leary.