
Nov 06, 2006 01:20

I was just reading the comment page on the Response Videos to Michael J Fox's support of Stem Cell Research. They have James Caviezel speaking in Aramaic, as if to say "Jesus supports this message", I'm just stunned. Here are some nice quotes:

"What do you expect from a country that aborts babies? The Democratic Party has NO SOUL. I'm proud of these actors and athletes to stick their necks out for Human Rights and risk the wrath of LIBERAL FASCISTS!

Who would have thunk it? There IS conscience and rationality in hollywood! Ok, so who are you going to listen to, the guy who played Jesus or the guy who played Marty McFly??? ;-)

Dont vote for that deception. Democrat false promises of cures for all diseases if they can just destroy more life. Havent they had enough with the 48,000,000,000 abortions in America since 1973 Roe v. Wade? "


Somehow being Liberal means I want to destroy life, MWAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA! Really? Aren't we the ones voting against the WAR? Oh, I don't have a soul and I'm a fascist. I guess all those Iraquis and Afghanis don't enter in the "Human" Category. Obviously, they don't have rights, right?

All I can say is, I voted, my enveloped stuffed and my polling station is across the street. Something better change, real quick...

Here's one of the links on YouTube:
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