just a crazy thought.

Apr 14, 2006 03:33

I was talking to Karlie just now, trying to hammer out her guy-situation. I'm really the last person anyone should ever discuss their guy-situations with, unless it's about how you're a loser in love, then, hey! I'm all about it. But I think I finally began to understand something tonight...

Guys like to play yo-yo with you. It's a sick, childish game of yo-yo. They pull you close to them, not close enough, and just when you think you're close enough to reach, they push you back out. And when you're left dangling out there, rejected, you're finally thinking to yourself, Okay, I'm done. I'm not playing this game anymore. But at that point, it's beyond your control because they just pull you back once again, and the game is still on until they either decide to slip the string off their manipulative little fingers, or you, god willing, somehow muster the strength to cut the string yourself.

It makes you wonder, though, in this game of yo-yo, how much of the back-and-forth is him pulling, and how much of it is just the force of being propelled away that's pushing you back to him? Maybe he's not even pulling on the string anymore, and you're just a toy he likes trailing behind him, eventually left spinning helplessly. Discarded in disinterest, but still the game's never completely over. Because he can always wind you back up again at his whim.
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