my parents house

Nov 21, 2006 18:07

Arrived at mom n dad's house this morning! There is a comfort in the known. I was concieved in this home, born in the hospital 4 blocks away, attended high school 2 blocks away ... born and raised in this city. It hasn't changed to much either.
Dad greeted me and started brewing a pot of coffee for us - that's a form of saying "I love you" from him. Remembering how I like coffee and making it without me asking him!
The puppy (yeah she's like 3 yrs old now) still remembers me. So do the kitties and they purred as I snuggled them.
Dad was showing me pictures on his computer. He takes tons and tons, and as I looked I felt like I was getting a non poised glimpse at mom's birthday, 4th of July, mom n dads visit to ME, and a feeling of life moving on in CT. It was neat. I have missed so much while gone, it felt good to gain a connection to life as it was.
I still wouldn't trade any of the experiances I have had - but it saddens me to know how much I have missed.
I will only miss more too.
I won't miss Thanksgiving though!
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