The annual April Fool's tradition:
World's Easiest Practical Joke.
MS: (clicks appreciated!)
PN: (Grown, no clicks needed!)
Flowergame: nobody knows what's going on over there....
ChickenSmoothie: monthly pets and April Fool critters adopted
UNI: green piggies are out for today: Serena wants 50! 50/50
Merion has one, Dareth has one
Merion: April raffle ticket won
ToD: it's egg yolk time! (clicks appreciated)
Last one on the row has an adoption date of April 1.
World of Umbria: (egg warming appreciated)
Picked up a hyena to represent April Fool's Day... because... "laughing hyena".... get it?! lol
DC: the leetle tree changed to broccoli, lol
*still need to adopt a dragon for the date*
eta: caught one, thought I was picking up a stripe but it turned out to be a spitfire, ha! How appropos!
(clicks not necessary)
The broccoli for a day:
Squiby: (clicks not necessary)
BK: forgot to breed anyone for the date
Howrse: don't even care anymore
FR: hatched nests