Are You Kidding?

Aug 29, 2006 23:57

Drabble written for hp100’s Patterns and trio100’s Hermione and harry100’s Read
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine.

Title: Are You Kidding?
House: Gryffindor
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Harry, Hermione, Ron
Rating: G
Challenge: Patterns
Author’s note: Follows last week’s What Now?

Ron could hear an argument brewing in the next room.

“Please let me show you, Harry…”


“You wouldn’t be nearly so bored if you had a hobby.”

“Hermione, I will never be THAT bored!”

“What’s going on?” Ron asked, walking in with the tea tray and setting it down.

“Nothing!” Harry said immediately.

“I’m trying to teach Harry knitting,” Hermione explained earnestly. She turned back to the Boy Who Was Convalescing. “You could make your own hats and scarves in any color you wanted, in all sorts of patterns.”

“Blimey, Hermione,” Ron sighed. “Can’t you just read to him?”

hermione, trio100, harry100, ron, drabble, trio, harry, hp100

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