A meme

Apr 22, 2006 14:39

1)Leave me a comment saying "interview me".
2)I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature (well not really creepy but, you know, I might ask you some tough questions).
3)You will update your LJ with the answers.
4)You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5)When others ask to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

And now the results of my being interviewed by ganydeceit. Long, my apologies. It's fun guys, for serious.

1. What languages do you speak and why?
i. English: because I was born in the English half of an English speaking country XD;;
ii. French: Semi-fluent here... I was in French immersion for eleven years, so I understand a lot of spoken, quite a bit of written, and I can sort of speak it. I can’t for the life of me write it properly. French Grammar was invented by the devil. Seriously. But I ended up in immersion because my parents thought it was a good challenging program, and they wanted me to have the two official languages of the country.
iii. Japanese: some conversational, some written, reading. I just started it this year because I’ve always been interested in it. I think it’s beautiful as a spoken language, and I like learning it because each kanji is like unlocking a little part of a huge puzzle that’s waiting to be solved. I get a real kick out of being able to read the katakana on packaging.

2. Where do you get your ideas for your dollies from? Is it an existing story, or a make-it-up-as-you-go-along sorta thing? Details!!!

My dollies come from a story that I’ve been working on since I was fifteen. It’s evolved a lot since then, and so have the characters. But that story has been the basis for most of my creative writing and art for over six years now. The story itself is not linear and has no particular form as of yet... I’m a scene writer, I usually go piece by piece until I construct something that resembles a narrative.
Anyway, the characters inhabit the same city I do, essentially on a parallel plane of existence. I aim to construct people that are as realistic and believable as possible. That’s why all of my guys are kind of ‘boy next door.’ (except Taka, because he’s supposed to be a freakishly pretty albino in the story.) But any doll that comes through here most definitely has a personality before they arrive.
I’ve found that having them in a physical form sort of changes how I see them as characters. They’re more able to surprise me as dolls because they’re separate from me, and it’s soooo much fun. (Like Simon being a freaking samurai, that blows my mind. He wants to be so badly!)

3. If you could have one thing, in all the world, what would it be? It has to be a tangible thing, not like world peace or a unicorn. -___-

Nooo, this is such a hard question! Mostly because I want so many intangible things! I could never decide if I actually had the opportunity for such a choice... Part of me wants to say Ferrari with all insurance/parts and services paid for forever. No, I think I’d want to own part/all of a huge highrise apartment building in the classy part of town. I could live in part of it, lease the other parts :D
I’m such a materialist. But yeah. Go go, real estate.

4. What's with the rabbit? Explain thy username!

Rabbits are deceptively cute. They look all sweet and innocent, silent and fuzzy. But rabbits are totally badass. XD
I’m not completely sure what inspired the nickname. I don’t have an obsession with rabbits, I just thought they were cool animals with a lot of different folklore associated with them, and I like all the different connotations. I mean, you’ve got Alice In Wonderland, (therefore the Matrix.... >>;;; not my intention at all), Watership Down, even the Maxx comic series. And tons of others. Mostly I think of myself as a rabbit for the shy and silent part. Maybe a little bit the vicious if necessary part. I think it would be a nice nickname to have in real life... I wish people would call me rabbit.

5. What sort of career are you looking on having?

I have absolutely no idea. It’s awful.

Unrealistic: I’d love to teach at a post-secondary level. Possibly something like English or Creative Writing. Therefore I’d have to be a writer, which I would love to do. Or I’d love to do an animation program and pursue that. Or I’d love to do an art or graphic design program and try and get by doing that.

Realistic: Mundane office job, or teaching at a highschool level. If nothing I pursue leads to anything in the next few years, I’m just going to become a legal secretary and suck up the boredom for the rest of my life. Maybe I’ll write harlequins on the side.

I just don’t seem to have any easily marketable skills. I wish I could do computer geek stuff, I’d enjoy that. But failing at math doesn’t set you up too well for learning programming languages.

Sorry if that was horribly long and boring XD;;; I tried to be honest.


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