Jul 11, 2006 23:02
*sigh* Well here i am again,
Still going insane, of course, because otherwise i wouldn't be me would i?
Anyways, This time it is partically my fault, See i wrote an email telling my dad about My boyfriend...and now i'm scared to death about what he is going to say...Not that i really care considering the realationship i have with the man. but...i'll i can say is....WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING!!!!!
I just did it tonight so i have no idea what he is going to say...but not much i can do about it now the email is already sent and i'm already screwed if i'm going to be screwed at all....Maybe he won't freak out....mom didn't freak out when i told her, and neither did my grandma...okay well she freaked out a little but thats because she is a Counselor and has to Physco-anlyze EVERYONE! lol....I love her to death though..
And she doesn't roll her eyes at it like my mom does...mom doesn't believe in love anymore i don't think...she's been hurt to much, so she pretends that mine can't possibly exsist because i'm A) too young, B) Don't know what "love" really is (bs!) C) I've never met him in real life before (which i could see her point on that one, but it's still a bunch of bs!) Anyway, that was all WAY of topic...I guess i'm in a bitching mood...*nods* yes i am i know that..lol
Okay anyway, the other reason i'm going crazy is because i have still YET to Speak with before mentioned boyfriend.....Dang him!! he is ALWAYS on on tuesday nights, but tonight...when i REALLY REALLY need to talk to him....He isn't on...No doubt he'll have a good excuse but it doesn't help when i'm still waiting on an answer, and i'm still not going to get one through the email because "he doesn't like email" *cough* more like he's to freaking lazy to come up with an answer to THE most important question i have at the moment...I really really really really need to tlak to him about this...There has got to be a reason he won't make a disicion, i'm worried that he might be scared...or something like that...rather then just to busy to make time for me....the former at least makes me feel better then the later...I don't like the idea of him not making time for me already...It's been a year and a half...you'd think i'd still be pretty high on his prority list...But sometimes i really don't know anymore....Okay stop feeling sorry for yourself *smacks self in head* Sorry about that...moment of really bad emoness....lol
Okay so on a lighter note, my brother lost another tooth, and he starts school this year!!!! i can't believe how fast my muchkin is growing up!! I love that little dude so much!! Even though i get drity looks from people who think he's my kid instead of my brother...i hate that...i told mom i wanted a shirt that said..."i'm the sister not the momma" lol....It's been that way since i was 12 (when he was born) But Oh Well....i don't really care...(man i'm all over the place tonight aren't i?) I guess i'll let you go, i talk to much...lol....Love ya all, Ariel