May 23, 2005 02:30
My sunburn has faded from outrageously to slightly painful in all but a couple places. The non-stop aloe applications have done their job =)
My mom woke me up to go to the flea market with her this morning. It was kind of uneventful... she shopped, I played with every puppy I saw like a 5 yr old. It was great.
I came home and undertook the great task of showering and getting dressed again (at least it is when you hurt) and I was clean, aloed up. and chilling with a fan blowing on me watching a great show when my dad called me. He says we're showing the house. When I ask when (they usually give us a good bit of warning), he replies with, "As soon as we can get out. They're in the neighborhood." Apparently, the folks were just kind of out driving around and randomly decided to kill some time looking at our house. So, we make a mad rush of tidying up and getting out. I LOVE having my house for sale. Really, y'all, it's fun!!
At Mass today, a man behind me kept saying the responses and prayers faster than the rest of the congregation. I hate when people do that. During the Our Father, he was a good line ahead at every pause we took. Hold your horses, kids! God doesn't give ribbons for the fastest pray-er! If He does, someone better let me know because I'm hurtin' in the ribbon count ;)
Dan came over tonight after he and Butts went fishing all day. We took a walk and I saw the most amazing thing, it was something I've always wanted to see and finally did: in the woods behind the pond by my house, there were hundreds of lightning bugs. They were all flashing and it was sooo pretty. They were all up in the trees, too, and it looked like hundreds of little stars twinkling. I watched for about 5 minutes. Very cool. After our walk, we came inside and watched TV for a bit. During which we fell asleep. The excitement never stops at the Tarbox house =)
My mom bought me this medicated aloe spray stuff. The can says not to use it more than 3 times a day. I've used about 4 days' worth since I got it at 4. Hmm.. if my skin falls off or anything exciting, you LJ folks will totally be the first to know.
I need a job! And with that I go. To spray myself again. Much love =)