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linwenilid User Number: 3523242
Date Created:2004-06-17
Number of Posts: 1125
Linwenilid is a strange person. Born out of a whim, she has engaged in several contradicting activities, like taking part in Swooning Wars once, and proclaiming Draco Malfoy lovers as blinded and misguided fools, recently.
Strengths: Coherent, to her own perspective. Self-trained on human psychology and consumated experimenter and evaluator.
Weaknesses: Emotional and self-indulging, procrastinator and lacking on persistence.
Special Skills: Highly-effective Singing Chants, mad Colouring Skillz, l33t Writing Skillz, makes a Mean Lasagne.
Weapons: Insane Knowledge Of Useless Stuff, Silver Tongue Of Doom, Fragile And Innocent Look For Double Damage
Words Of Wisdom: "Laughing at a person rather than at his/her joke is the best way to keep yourself amused, and the joke-teller, satisfied."
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