Aug 12, 2006 06:03
the more i think about staying with alex the less i like it. I love him but i cant live with this lazy, unmotivated, jobbless jerk of a pain in my ass. He says he has no problem working a shitty dead end job for the rest of his life as long as he works there with a friend. Ugh, how crappy! i cant even compreheend beiing ok with that, atol. And the whole sex thing is driving me up the wall, he tells me i have no sex drive, well maybe cuz being constatnly bugged about it makes me want to drop kick him and get away. I dont like being mad at him all the time and it makes me think that there isnt anything there anymore. Then i think about how much of a pain in the ass it will be to break up, and its not like i dont value his freindship. i jsut cant stand the adult he has become. he would hate this but he becomes mroe like his parents everyday. Medioker, good enuf is ok. Its not that way for me, it just cant be. I'd die. And i dont want to be stuck with that my whole life. Also i dont end it cuz i just dont want to hear "i told you so!" from my partens. I dont want to hurt him, but i wont sacrifice my life to this.
I see these things on the tv about these couples who have these suckie marrigaes and they hate eachother and all i can think is that that will be me. And it sickens me. I dont want that. Then the more i think about the thing with crunk the more mad i am at him (not you brosia) i think what, you get bored ass hole. And then they arnt talking much and he wont talk to her cuz he says she has the problem and i think about how he jsut sucks at cultivateing a relationship. how can he fuck up a new one by being so stubborn and she dont put up with that shit and so until he gets a brain she wont talk to him about it.
i'm sick and fucking tired of being his thearapist!! i've gotten to the point that i just dont want to hear his sob story any more! and then i say you should see somebody and he just shugs and blows me off and i think he doesnt get that i jsut dont care anymore. He tell me he has borderline personality disorder and he can completely hate the p-eople cloesset to him one minute and then be fine the next. Sorry i dont want to play taht game atol. ANd he wont take his meds and he wont go to any therapy, and i dont care any more if he wont try to fix it. i anint sticking around for the abuse. ANd then the doc puts him on sleeping meds and he wont take them and then complains about not sleeping or not getting enuf sleep and doesnt go to bed until 5 am and his mom wakes him up at like 9 am. I just dont pity him. He could fix these things and choses not to.
then the whole thing with his mom and dad, ugh!! they fight all the time! thats all they do and he bitches about it all the time. I am sick of it! get a job and get out. And every time i ask if he has filled out or turned in any applications and he says no, then talks about getting some job, i cant believe him anymroe. He talks big all the time and then doesnt ever do anything. i love him, i just cant live with him.
i think its come to the point where i have to tell him to straighten up, get his life on track or just leave. I am done with this crap. I think he doesnt get how little people like freeloading bums and he doesnt understand that i cant do it. I wont just dump him, he gets one more chance, then if it doesnt change i am out.