
Jul 17, 2012 22:28

So, I am now completely taken with Firefly !!!  How is it that I've not seen this until now???  It was so tragically cut short.  When I watched the last episode, I sat on my couch for a full 5 minutes repeating "That's it??? Seriously???" over and over and over again.  There are so many wonderful things about this show that I love, but I won't get into that just yet as there are other topics to cover in this post.

I had a great weekend. I saw my Dad and brother and sister-in-law at the cottage on Saturday.  It felt so good to talk with them, and bike (just shy of 20 kms), and swim in the lake, and sit on the deck and feel the breeze across my skin.  I had a couple of close moments with my brother brought on by us both loving the freedom & peace while on a bicycle. :)  My goal is by the fall to be able to go for a 50 km ride.  I'm determined to do as much as I can while I'm feeling good.  I won't let fear of a recurrence turn me into a couch potato (again).

The heat and humidity have sapped my motivation to be going on long walks, but I try to get in 2 short walks everyday.  The heatwave seems to have broken today, thank heavens.

Work has been going very well and I keep getting new projects (usually involving statistics & analysis).  Hopefully this trend will continue until management figures out what position they are going to post.

Things I'm behind on in varying degrees:

[+]  Giving feedback on several very good fanfic stories.  I will get to these at some point because it's important to me that these talented writers be aware of how I feel about their efforts.

[+]  Commenting on several meta posts

[+]  Working on my Top 10 dialogue post - it is coming along :)

[+]  Season 3 rewatch (which hasn't begun yet)

[+]  Taking pictures

[+]  Watching all the TVD goodness from Comic Con

Life just seems to have gotten rather full lately, but then that seems to happen in summertime.

Things I'm looking forward to:

[+]  Vacation starts in 8 more working days :D

[+]  Coffee with the TVD club on Sunday (and potentially having littledivinity join the club once she's settled into our fine city ;)

[+]  Skype date with x5vale

[+]  Another long bike ride at the cottage

[+]  More phone conversations with friends

Sorry if this post is kinda all over the place. I should really try to get some sleep now. But, just so this isn't all words, I leave you with my adorable little Mischief kitten (this picture was taken in July 1997)

Good night, friends <3

real life

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