Random Mixed-up Post :)

May 15, 2012 21:53

Hello Everyone,

So, it's just shy of a week later, and I'm still processing all that went on in TVD 3.22.  I am in a much better place than when I first watched it.  Speaking of that, I feel the need to give shout-outs and waves of appreciation to arabianbadboy_fangirlx5valeloveepiclove, and distant_autumn for their uncanny talent for expressing key thoughts in my head in such a way as to talk me down from the edge.  Lately I seem to lack the ability to articulate my emotions very well, so thank you very much for doing it for me.

Moving on, I seem to have developed a reputation at work for being the queen of spreadsheets, charts, and forecasting.  This is all good, as I enjoy that stuff (and the phones have been rather slow - not what you want in a call centre).  Even my boss' boss gave me a project to work on.  Tomorrow, I get to have our new Web Content Manager shadow me for 2 1/2 hours as part of her orientation.  That'll be fun, as I enjoy meeting new employees.

Dad is settled in his new house and my brother & sister-in-law and their family have taken over the cottage.  I haven't seen my niece since she returned home from university.  Truthfully, there's a bit of a disconnect between them and me at the moment. They have so much on their plates and I don't want to be a burden to them in any way.  I do miss the closeness that we shared awhile back, but c'est la vie.  Also, I can't afford to be driving out there very often at all so, it makes sense for me to focus on getting my apartment organizes, selling some excess furniture.  I have faith that at some point our paths will come back together again.

There are still several shows that I want to be watching.  Leverage and Revenge top the list (but apparently I live in the wrong country to watch shows on ABC.com boo hiss).  I am not giving up, though, and will find some way to see them.

Only 3 more workdays before our long (Victoria Day) weekend up here.  I plan on getting rid of excess stuff, putting up ads online for my furniture, cleaning my car, taking care of Willy (my neighbour's dog), and hopefully meeting up with skylar_d3 .  I've been faithful in walking every day and somewhat regularly riding my bike (in my living room).

One last thing, I love and appreciate every single person on my f-list.  You guys really don't know how much of a difference you make in my life.  A simple thing like telling me you thought of me brings a smile to my face.  It's amazing to me that I don't get lost in the crowd here, despite there being so many friends on her.  Anyhow, sorry for getting all sentimental on you. ;)

I'll leave you with a picture I have taken on one of my walks:

PS - That 100 Things meme that I've seen around - I could do 100 Pictures that I've taken (but I'm not sure what I would write about each one).

ETA more pictures (spurned on by Candy, but I thought you all might enjoy them)

and this one I just took on my walk this past Sunday ...

i love my f-list, real life, the vampire diaries, picspam

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