Some Damon & Elena videos

Jan 27, 2012 14:31

The idea for this post was spurred by arabian's request for 'happy stuffies' (I just love that phrase <3).  I thought I would share some of my current favourite Damon & Elena videos.

First, a little background on what I do and don't like in videos.


- Music that suits my idea of Damon & Elena
- picture changes in time with the music
- a little writing as long as it's not overpowering


- Any appearance of Katherine
- Quickly flashing pictures across the screen
- Lots of visual effects

That about covers it, I think.  I'll put a little blurb before each video to help you decide if you want to watch it.  Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.

Echo - Damon/Elena by sweetiepie1019

This is a clean, sweet, and nicely edited video.  I just love this song.

image Click to view

elena/damon ;; at the beginning with you by TwiOth288

I felt this song spoke to me of this pairing.  There is a bit of text onscreen but not too much.

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Damon & Elena - Meant To Be by naphie88

This one was retweeted by Julie Plec and she replied to the girl who made it.  It is a slower paced video.  The sentiments and voice overs were what got me.

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Damon & Elena - Holding on and Letting go by Anne0791

This is a lovely little video after that wonderful episode (3x10). It captures the sweetness that is Damon & Elena and so many of their moments.  I've watched it again and again and again and will forever associate this song with them (along with thousands of fangirls, I'm sure).

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Damon + Elena | Timeless Love by ShatteredXDesires

This one encapsulates so much of what I love about DE.  It has the most writing in it, but it's unobtrusive and the scenes and voice-overs fit perfectly with the theme of the whole video.  The music blends in perfectly resulting in an excellent and wonderful video, IMHO.

image Click to view

ETA - I've added hyperlinks in case the embedding doesn't work (I've have issues with that before)

the vampire diaries, fanvids, damon/elena

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