TVD 3x01 The Birthday: My thoughts on Damon/Elena

Sep 21, 2011 20:28

Here's my follow-up post about The Birthday .  My favorite parts of this episode were of course Damon & Elena.

Damon & Elena

My shipper heart is really quite pleased with the how many facets of their relationship we got to see in this episode.  There was Damon being himself and getting a reaction from Elena, that sweet and sentimental moment that was just right, Elena taking Damon's drink in reaction to Jeremy smoking again, and finally the meaty, emotional and beautifully performed scene of Damon telling Elena what Stefan has become.  It was wonderful to have so much of DE onscreen, and I sincerely hope that that is a sign of things to come.

I loved that Damon gave Elena her necklace back.  To me it said how very well he knows and understands her, and consisently tries to make her happy.  It was also a lovely call-back to that unforgettable (for the viewers, anyhow) scene in Rose but in this one, Elena will be aware of Damon's sweetness.  Even Elena's reaction is almost identical:  "My necklace, I thought I'd never see it again."

What I loved most about this scene, found here:, is that the understanding that seems to be unique to their friendship is back and stronger for having weathered the beating it took in season 2.  The quiet strength of their connection was evident, but with a glimpse of their possibilites when Elena looks at him after he put the necklace back on.  It was great to see Damon being more himself and not being almost desperate to make that moment something that it wasn't. Also wonderful was the choice of music.  Andrew Belle's "Make It Without You" was perfectly suited to this scene and is now my new favorite Delena song (that will be added to my iPod shortly)

Moving on to the meaty, emotional "They're not Klaus' victims, they're Stefan's" scene, found in this video from 0:52 until the end:
The fact that Elena was genuinely upset that Damon had kept his search from her tells me that she's come to depend on him.  I love that Damon continues to be straight and honest with her, even when he knows how hard it is for her to hear what he has to say.  He delivered the information with enough force and intensity to get through to her, but then there finished with an expression on his face that showed how difficult it was for him to see her pain, and deal with his own at the same time.  Elena's initial denial was also spot on, and in character.  It also showed how she has grown up over the summer, in that she didn't have an irrational, overreaction to the news.  She certainly didn't want to hear that Stefan had become a full-blown ripper, but she did not take it out on Damon.

There were several memorable quotes in this scene, such as:

Damon:  You were an idiot.  We both were
Elena:  We're supposed to be in this together
Damon:  Because they're not Klaus' victims, Elena.  They're Stefan's
Damon:  Stefan is gone and he's not coming back.  Not in your lifetime.

Ian's performance was stellar.  Especially the lines, "Stefan is gone and he's not coming back.  Not in your lifetime."  He put just the right amount of emphasis on the first line and then softened just a touch on the second.  It was wonderful. During his whole speech, I could feel that Damon was processing his emotions for most of it, but then shifted to being aware of Elena's at the end.  That, to me, is the mark of an excellent actor. 
Nina's performance was also excellent.  She showed so much with her posture and expression in that last shot.  Touching her necklace was a perfect choice, although I don't know if it was scripted or not.  Anyhow, expressing so many emotions without any words shows me (once again) that she is an extremely talented actor.

Of course, I could not possibly leave out Elena seeing Damon naked ...  found from 0:49 to 1:49 at
What a lovely way to bring back my favorite couple.  There was classic, snarky Damon, shocked, cute, and jumpy Elena and the whole scene was just delightful.  It's so great to see the lighthearted side to them.  I love that she jumped when he vamp-speeded to block her, and that she had to take a deep breath to calm herself after he was so close to her.  Her peek-a-boo through her fingers was cuteness itself.  The whole interaction made their comfort and understanding of each other clear.

Elena demanding Damon's drink at the party and him relinquishing it spoke to the fact that he'll do things for her that he won't do for anyone else.  I also found it neat that Elena beelines for Damon after finding Jer smoking up.  She really does depend on him.

Overall, I love how deep and strong a friendship they have (after all that is the best foundation for a long-term, successful relationship).  This, to me, is the appropriate place for them to be at this time.  If in the course of this season, there are some glimpses of more-than-friendship on her part, that would be just fine with me.  I can wait until future seasons for them to actually get together, because I want it to be in character, and real, and lasting, and not some temporary hook-up.

I'll leave you with their prettiness:

the vampire diaries, nina dobrev, damon/elena, damon salvatore, ian somerhalder, elena gilbert

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