Multi-Topic (random) post

Aug 23, 2011 20:01

Hello Friends,

Here are some random thoughts that are floating around in my (admittedly drug-addled) head.  I am doing much better than I was this time last week.

I'm very much looking forward to reading 4 really long stories from abvj, badboy_fangirl, drkprncss17, and lit_chick08  (once they are completed, of course).

Ian cheerleading that baby Leatherback turtle was awesome and lovely and just makes me love him even more (as if that's even possible).  Also, I didn't know Daniel Gillies is a kiwi - very cool in my eyes.

Speaking of my fangirl obsession with Ian and Nina, I wanted to do something for them as a thank you for 2 seasons worth (and many more to come) of great entertainment.  I've come up with the idea of putting together a photo album for each of them with pictures I've taken around my neighbourhood and at my cottage.  I thought Nina would enjoy seeing the landscape in another part of her home province of Ontario and maybe Ian would like to have a visual of the general area that Nina came from.  Toronto is about a 5 hour drive from Ottawa.

I'm not sure how many pictures I'll put in each, but I'd caption them with the location they were taken at.  I'd also write a letter to put at the front of the album.  Part of me thinks this may be a lame idea, since they don't have any association with Ottawa but they both do seem to like the outdoors

Anyhow, here's a link to the album with potential pictures:

Any thoughts or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I've got a couple ideas for TVD-related posts that I hope to get around to posting soon.  I'm also going to do a Season 2 complete rewatch before the season 3 premiere.  I should also do a Delena fanfics rec post.  There are several really good stories that I'm hooked on, and maybe one of you might enjoy reading them too.

My awesome family spoiled me rotten at the cottage on Sunday. We celebrated my brother & sister-in-laws 25th wedding anniversary and my birthday (a little early).  Mom had taken me shopping and bought me 4 pair of much-needed and comfortable shoes.  Mike & Janet et al got me black yoga jeans, 3 different tops, and a pair of cool clogs.  I really am very fortunate to have such a loving, generous, wonderful family.

My days helping in the Returns department are over now (since both regular staff are back from holidays).  I miss being down there alot as I found it challenging and interesting.  Today I found out that I get to help in proofing our online Woodworking catalog, which makes me happy.  I'm good at catching things that don't work the way they should, and it gets me off the phones for awhile :o).  Hopefully come the New Year, I'll be back down in Returns as they are busiest January through March.

Finally, it's getting easier to come home to my empty apartment without Mischief.  She is on my desktop and only pictures of her are on my screen saver.  It's my way of keeping her memory alive and close to my heart.  Here's one of her that I took on our latest field trip to my work:

real life, nina dobrev, nina/ian, ian somerhalder

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