Vampire Diaries 30 day meme - Day 30

Jan 23, 2011 19:09

Day 30 - Anything The Vampire Diaries Related

Here we are at the last day of this (my first) meme. I can't believe how quickly it went by. That was due, no doubt, to how much I got involved once I'd started.  I had several ideas for topics for this day, but in the end stuck with my original one.  It occurred to me fairly early on in this meme and stayed with me.

I'm trying to be a little more random in the format of this post, instead of sticking to the standard one, that I seem to have adopted.  It's not drastically different, but hopefully it'll be a little unique.  So, here in no particular order are ...

1 x 01 The Pilot

Caroline:  "... and I try so hard and I'm never the one that... "
Bonnie:  "It's not a competition, Caroline"
Caroline:  "Yeah, it is"

1 x 05 You're Undead to Me

Matt:  "Good, I mean it's not like we were ever best friends or anything."

Uncle Zach:  "But you don't visit, Damon.  You appear unannounced reminding me that this isn't my house, that you're just permitting me to live hear.  Hell, that you're permitting me to live.

Elena:  "I'm not going to be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy."
Jenna:  "Okay, then."

Stefan:  "The beauty of you in there and me out here is that I can walk away."

Jenna:  "You're saying that out loud why?"

Caroline:  "Mom. If I want to talk boys, I'll call Dad.  At least he's successfully dating one."

1 x 09 History Repeating

Jenna:  "I like a man who can dine alone.  Quiet strength. ... I've sworn off men forever.  It doesn't mean I can't observe them from a safe distance."

Alaric:  "Why'd you leave?"
Jenna:  "School.  And then there's the real reason.  ... Your turn, any sad relationship stories?"
Alaric:  "The basics?  Fell in love, married young, my wife died.  Yeah. That's always a good conversation stopper."

Stefan:  "Because I realize that killing your closest and oldest friend is beyond evil, yet somehow it's worthy of humor"
Damon:  "Are you mimicking me?"
Stefan:  "Yes, Stefan ... I can go back to my routine of "how can I destroy Stefan's life this week"
Damon:  "And I can go back to sulking, and Elena longing and forehead brooding."

Caroline:  There is just way too much drama in this room.  ... This Emily chick has some serious explaining to do."

Damon (as Stefan):  "I don't, Damon. I can't trust you to be a nice guy.  You kill everybody and you're so mean.  You're so mean"
Damon (himself):  "You're really hard to imitate. Then I have to go to that lesser place..."

Jenna:  "Me & Logan.  That's just cruel."
Jeremy:  "No, cruel is dating my history teacher."
Jenna:  "I'm not dating him. Yet."

Damon:  "Ugh.  That hurts.  This is why I feed on people."

Damon:  "Katherine never compelled me ... It was real for me."

Caroline:  "It reeks of awkward subtext.  You spent the night in my bed.  There was cuddling, then you snuck out before dawn so you wouldn't have to face me. Which, I must say, is a total lame guy move that I did not appreciate.  Now, with the heys?  Seriously? ... I do not let guys mess with my head anymore!"

Matt:  "Trying to read something into it? Lame girl move."

Elena:  "A simple I-didn't-kill-my-brother text would have sufficed." 
Stefan:  "I didn't kill my brother. He has you to thank for that."

Damon:  "Oh, no! Don't do that, let's stay on point."

1 x 04 Family Ties

Damon:  "...and my unflinching ability to listen to *gulp Taylor Swift"

Bonnie:  "Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secret in your life?"

Jeremy:  "You know you're making the wrong choice but you make it anyway.  It's sad."
Vicky:  "I was thinking that maybe I could make one more wrong choice today.  I still have 17 minutes ..."

Damon:  "It was hell watching you dance with her."

Stefan:  "I knew I couldn't spike your drink, so I spiked hers."

1 x 07 Haunted

Damon:  "Well, good morning, little miss I'm-on-a-mission"

Jeremy:  "Your lips keep moving, I don't know why."

Damon:  "He walks on a moral plain way out of our eyeline."

Caroline:  "Can someone please be excited it's Halloween?"

Bonnie:  "Don't be bitter. It promotes wrinkles."

Damon:  "Oh, come on. Who's going to miss this idiot?"

Vicky:  "And how long have you been preparing the "you're-not-good-enough" speech?  I'm assuming it pre-dates the whole vampire thing."

Damon:  "You confuse me for someone with remorse. None of this matters."

1 x 11 Bloodlines

Bree:  "Listen up, everybody!  Here's to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life, and ruined any and all chances of happines.  Drink up!"

Damon:  "Vampires can't procreate. But we love to try."

Bree:  "Honey, if you're not roped, you're whipped. Either way, just enjoy the ride."

Alaric:  "Losing family heirlooms. Bad."

Elena:  "It's a nice act.  Is any of it real?"  and "Awww, you need a bib?"
Damon:  "Sorry, I can't unhinge my jaw like a snake to consume alcohol."

Bree:  "After all these years, it's still only Katherine?"

Damon:  "Oh. You were so much more fun when you were asleep."

Bree:  "You changed my world, you know."
Damon:  "I rocked your world."
Bree (to Elena):  "He is good in the sack, isn't he?  But mostly he's just a walk-away Joe."

Elena:  "Don't pretend to care.  I know you're gloating inside."

Lee (Lexi's bf):  "If you want to be with someone forever, you have to live forever."

Elena:  "Don't. Please don't hurt him ... And that means you're good, too.  Be better than him. Don't do this, I'm begging you.  Please.  Thank You."
Lee:  "It wasn't for you."

Stefan:  "You know, when you spoke, people were mezmerized.  I know I was."

Sheila (Grams):  "Please understand that our loyalty can only extend so far."

Damon:  "You're not the worst company in the world, Elena."

Elena:  "I saved your life."
Damon:  "I know."
Elena:  "And don't you forget it."

Elena:  "You said no more lies, only the truth."

Anna:  "Sometimes, well mostly all the time, I have this need to be right."

Elena:  "Now is not the time that you want to talk to me about lies.  I trust you to tell me the truth, Jenna.  How could you not tell me?  I thought we were closer than that!"

1 x 08 162 Candles

Lexi:  "Have you met you? You're not a nice person!"

Lexi:  "After a century and a half, I finally realized that death means nothing without you. Dupe."

Elena:  "What do you think?  Alien?"
Jenna:  "Some sort of replicant."
Jeremy:  "He can hear you."

Lexi:  "Are you out of your freaking mind???"

Lexi:  "So, Elena's not a raging bitch, then?"

Caroline:  "Unlike the rest of the global universe, well, very nice, but not handsome, bartender was very kind to me tonight."

Lexi:  "When it's real, you can't walk away."

Caroline:  "I'm worse than shallow.  I'm a kiddie pool."

Stefan:  "Why are you trying to save him, Elena??"

Caroline:  "Please, don't leave me alone."

Stefan:  "You never do anything for anyone but yourself."

Damon:  "You missed."
Stefan:  "No.  You saved my life, I'm sparing yours.  We're even. And now we're done."

1 x 02 Night of the Comet

Damon:  "Well, Stefan's not one to brag."

Jeremy:  "Ow!  Why.  Why would you do that?  ... Parental authority - I like it."

Damon:  "Not bad.  Have you been eating bunnies?"

Damon:  "That's for me to know  and you to dot, dot, dot.  Give Elena my best."

Bonnie:  "What happened to you??"

Jenna:  "I've become my worst nightmare."
Elena:  "You got Tannered."

Caroline:  "Cocky much?"
Damon:  "Very. Much."

1 x 06 Lost Girls

Stefan:  "I gave it to Zach to hide. Maybe you shouldn't have killed him."

Damon:  "Why are you standing there?  That is clearly a woman who wants to be chased."

Stefan:  "I only knew that I wanted her."

Damon:  "I've been in love. It's painful and pointless and overrated."
Vicky:  "Except when it isn't."

Damon:  "Don't look at me with those judgey, little eyes."

1 x 03 Friday Night Bites

Damon:  "This could have gone in a whole different way."

Stefan:  "Can't. I'm a loner."

Tyler:  "Welcome to the team, buddy."

Jeremy:  "I find it pretty easy."

Damon:  "I like you. You know how to laugh. ... Nicely deduced."

Damon:  "Isn't that nice? Stefan joins a team and makes a friend. It's all so "Rah, rah, go team, yeah"

Elena:  "Otherwise, you wouldn't put an alternate meaning behind everything you say."

Stefan:  "You hate me because you loved her and you torture me because you still do.  That, my brother, is your humanity."

Damon:  "Anyone.  Any time.  Any place."

1 x 10 The Turning Point

Jeremy:  "What's your problem?"
Tyler:  "Look, I don't need your pity."
Jeremy:  "Seriously, you don't have to be like this.  You don't."
Tyler:  "Just go."
Jeremy:  "What is your problem, man?"
Tyler:  "I don't know, okay?  I don't know."

Elena:  "I've stopped asking questions, the answers get scary."

Bonnie:  "She needs someone nice, like him.  As opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon."

Damon:  "You have to be invited in."
Logan:  "I know.  I live alone."
Damon:  "That sucks."
Logan:  "I have things to do, people to kill.  Guess I'll be needing a little head start." *Bang, bang, bang.

Damon:  "I was ambushed. I was shot.  Now, I'm vengeful."

Caroline:  "Oh my God! Logan Fell, Channel 9, is that you?"
Logan:  "I used to babysit you, Caroline Forbes. Don't mock me."

Alaric:  "No, you look like a full-grown alpha male douchebag."  ... "You do that and it'll be you and me in this parking lot, working things out. You cool with that?"

Damon:  "I don't side with anyone.  You pissed me off. I want you dead."

Alaric:  "I'm not a violent guy by design."

Tyler:  "I need a ride." 
Matt:  "Sure."  "Look, I like Caroline.  She's got this thing, this way about her and I like her, okay?  And I'm not going to defend it or apologize about it.
Tyler:  "Okay."
Matt:  "So, stop your little bromance bitch act."
Tyler:  "Okay."

Stefan:  "This room holds every memory that I thought was important enough to hold onto."

alaric saltzman, tyler lockwood, damon salvatore, lexi, bree, jeremy gilbert, anna, matt donovan, caroline forbes, elena gilbert, bonnie bennett, aunt jenna, the vampire diaries, favorite quotes, vicky donovan, meme

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