Vampire Diaries 30 day meme - Day 24

Jan 15, 2011 21:19

This one was fun to research, as I didn't know there were so many on-set photos out there.  It was enjoyable going through them all and narrowing down my choice.

I would love it if someone would have a contest where the prize was getting to go and spend a day on-set and on location.  Not that I ever win anything, but that would be amazing.  I'd love to see first-hand what goes into making this wonderful show.

Day 24 - Your favorite on-set picture

I know, I know ... it's highly irregular that I should chose a picture that just happens to have Ian and Nina in it ;o)  Truthfully, only 3 of the 10 options I started with featured both of their lovely faces together.  The others had Candice, Katerina, Zach, Michael, Kelly Hu, and Marcos Siega in them.   A couple had Nina alone being adorable as 1864 Katherine, but I digress.

This picture is my favorite simply for the cameraderie it show between the 3 of them.  Also, the expressions on Nina's and Ian's faces belie how much the enjoy each other's company.

Clearly the cameras were not rolling when this picture was taken.  Paul does not look at all like Stefan.  It's interesting that Ian and Nina's fingers are just barely touching, like neither of them wanted to break the contact (Damon grabbing Elena's hand) that was established in the scene. We can't fully see Ian's beautiful face, but even in profile you can feel that infectious smile.

I can't close this blog without the following honorable mention:

The obvious delight on both Nina and Candice's faces after taking a picture of themselves is just so charming.  I also love the contrast of the bright red umbrella.  I'm a sucker for period costumes and think both ladies look phenomenal.

the vampire diaries, nina dobrev, paul wesley, candice accola, ian somerhalder, meme

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