Oct 07, 2011 23:50
- 00:00 Tweets for Today j.mp/pUgGDm #
- 09:59 I call it Fashionably Late Friday. #
- 10:07 @ prodnose If they even THINK about messing with your show in favour of Radio Kent's Pat Marsh I'm doing a dirty protest @ The One Show! #
- 10:23 @ rhodri AMEN! #
- 10:23 @ marcuspowl True dat. If they think I'm signing up for a 24 month contract for a new iPhone they can kiss my arse.. #
- 10:30 Hey #BBC you fucking idiots, getting rid of Danny Bakers afternoon show is insane. Don't do it! #
- 10:54 @ EmmaK67 @prodnose It's ruddy mental. #
- 11:17 @ EmmaK67 t.co/jHMU1uqR #
- 11:29 Hooray! We've saved Danny Baker! (That's what I'm saying anyway, typical BBC..) #
- 13:23 @ jessiejofficial (snigger) #
- 13:24 Look people it's Friday, there is ALL together too much going on here. #
- 13:24 @ beingnobody Ohhhh WHATEVER! #
- 13:45 @ rebeccasbrain Apple and Microsoft innit. You'll have to convert it to WMV or an AVI.. #
- 13:50 @ rebeccasbrain @Soppery Still think you need to convert it to WMV or AVI. Don't shoot the messenger! :) #
- 15:02 @ tonypaulway Happy birthday! #
- 16:43 @ AntoineJarvis Nice hog tie in episode 2.. #
- 18:40 Urgh.. Now starts the fretting. #
- 20:14 @ nickjfrost Tarka dahl? I prefer mine a little 'otter.. #
- 20:17 Even having #eastenders as background noise now annoys me. #
- 20:21 @ misterwallace Come Tine With Me? #
- 20:21 Just made a hilarious fork based joke and tweeted it to @misterwallace if it's not retweeted gaining me 1000 followers I will kill myself. #
- 20:32 I hope Phil doesn't take it badly and turn to drink and drugs ag..Zzzzzzzzzzz. #eastenders #
- 20:40 @ hellokayko Wait till you try ArseTime! #
- 20:44 @ hellokayko It's what Steve Jobs would have wanted... #
- 20:49 This is OUTRAGEOUS! No retweet from @misterwallace and no new followers?! I'm writing to That's Life! #
- 21:11 @ wossy What week is Jess Franco on the show again please? (What? This isn't a cunning plan at all...) #
- 21:12 @ LucianaCaporaso I think you've mixed me up with a Barista! #
- 21:32 @ Glinner It's too late.. I've gone into kill mode!! #
- 21:45 @ nickjfrost "Pretty girl syndrome" I think.. #
- 21:50 @ andynyman Certainly worth watching if only for Marc & Jake's brilliant video nasty documentary. #
- 21:52 Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking.. BALLS COCK TITS WILLY!! #
- 21:57 Opinions are like asses.. I want to throw them over my knee and spank them and spank them and spank them and.. Huh? #
- 21:59 @ marcuspowl @13adie78 Whoa whoa whoa, is that the award winning producer of the 2009 Brit Awards promo?! #
- 21:59 @ wossy No Crepax? Disappointing.. #
- 22:01 When I win the lottery I shall employ a man (Or woman, but probably a man) to fashion gigantic Jaffa cakes for me. #
- 22:05 Pink wafers? Surely the must rubbish biscuits ever. And I include the rare "Nazi Nibbles" in that.. #
- 22:08 Mega Piranha has just started on Movies 24+.. Just saying. It's MEGA Piranha. #
- 23:43 @ darren_bousman Just to let you know Youtube in the UK have started renting movies. Repo is avaliable.. For free!! #
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