(no subject)

Apr 29, 2005 20:57

i'm so confused.

i'm like lost and i have absolutely nothing that i can do about it. it's like i thought i knew..but i have no idea! i thought i made a decision....but i don't. and then..i just realize that i should never follow a friend's mind all the time. like with friends and people hanging out with. because of that..i lost some friends that once knew or like started getting to know. from now on..i'm gonna follow by what i say and what i think. if my friends gets mad at me for being this persons friend..then fine. you aren't being a friend then. let me have my friends..because, i'm not going and telling you that you can't be friends with that person or like whatever. i'm sick of it. and because of this...i always seem to have two friends of mine...who are at it with each other.....

life is so confusing.

i have the bestest of friends..that i'll always love. with so many inside jokes, so many laughs, so many memories. thanks for being there for me.

with this whole debra and kayla crap. everyone just drop it. stop saying shit about them. stop saying shit and crap and dissing on debra. stop calling her names. as same goes for kayla. stop saying shit about them. with ways that i know. with where i can know that you're talking shit about my friend. you're prob thinking..why you care so much? you're not apart of it. fuck..i already am hoes. they asked me to choose sides.they both told me their side of the stories. you tell me how im not in it. fuck you don't shit how im always in the middle. how i'm always there for my friends. and how they get mad at me for saying somethig for sticking up for another friend or three. shit its fucking hard. you don't have to worry about it because you just freaking choose sides and want to hate on someone because its your best friend or whatever. well both are my friends and i say fucking shut the hell up...ALL OF YOU! i'm sick and tired of this shit. and i bet they are too. whose ever side you are on...just stay out of the way of each other. farther away you are..the better. the less you talk shit..the better. the less you see each other..the better. the less you care about it..the better. the sooner you drop this..the better. ya have no fucking idea how it kills me to see two friends have it at each others throats. how much it stresses me out to hear all this crap bout my friends and crap. i had enough of it damn it! i'm on noones side. either you're mad at me or not. i dont give a damn. leave your situation and try being in mines. try know how it feels to choose sides between friends. best of friends, close of friends, or not. what the fuck it is...they're both my friends..
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