Jul 17, 2003 05:02
I am dead tired. I'd like to tell you all stuff about the trip and thoughts and whatnot, but I was expecting a short day at work today (we typically have them Wednesdays and Fridays, four hours instead of eight), but instead, ended up working 9 1/2 or so, which meant that we got off at 4am. I wasn't too happy about this, to say the least.
But I am back in Germany. I got a little bit of sleep on the flight. The movie was "Children On Their Birthdays", which was "edited for content", but I seemed just not to "get" it. Then again, I think part of this had to do with the fact that we were watching it on the big screen on a plane, and especially at the beginning, it was hard to understand the people.
I hate being this tired. I want to go home to sleep, but I feel like I almost can't, due to how tired I am. Craziness, I know.